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Bitsight, SecurityScorecard, Panorays Lead Risk Ratings Tech

Data Breach Today

Automation, Improved Data Validation Reduce False Positives for Cyber Risk Ratings By improving data validation and incorporating automation, cyber risk ratings platforms are addressing trust issues and enhancing their role in third-party risk management.

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Alert: Hackers Hit High-Risk Individuals' Personal Accounts

Data Breach Today

Cybersecurity Experts Recommend Defenses to Counter Surge in Such Attacks Calling all high-risk individuals: Ensure you're taking adequate steps to secure your personal devices and accounts, as criminals and nation-state hackers increasingly target them instead of grappling with corporate defenses, warned the U.K.'s

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UK NSCS Highlights Risks to Critical Infrastructure

Data Breach Today

Agency Underscores Risks From Ransomware, State-Aligned Hacking, China and AI The risk of critical infrastructure hacking in the United Kingdom likely grew in the last year, says the national cybersecurity agency, citing a slew of high-profile ransomware attacks.

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OMB Issues First Governmentwide AI Risk Mitigation Rules

Data Breach Today

Guidance Calls for Agencies to Appoint Chief AI Officers, Set Up Governance Boards The Office of Management and Budget issued the first-ever governmentwide guidance for mitigating risks associated with the federal use of artificial intelligence, including specific actions agencies must complete within a year to help ensure the responsible use of emerging (..)

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Lessons Learned in PostgreSQL®

Instaclustr expert Perry Clark outlines immediate actions to minimize risks, ensuring a swift response to ransomware threats and protecting critical data assets. This paper, inspired by a real PostgreSQL® database incident, offers vital strategies for effective mitigation.

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Mimecast Acquires Elevate Security to Address Human Risk

Data Breach Today

Company Plans to Enhance Digital Workplace Protection With Behavioral Analytics Mimecast announced the acquisition of human risk management solutions specialist Elevate Security as part of its initiative to enhance digital workplace protection.

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OpenAI Formulates Framework to Mitigate 'Catastrophic Risks'

Data Breach Today

A Preparedness Team Will Warn of Current, Future Dangers in the Firm's AI Models OpenAI on Monday released a framework it says will help assess and protect against the "catastrophic risks" posed by the "increasingly powerful" AI models it develops. "We

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ERM Program Fundamentals for Success in the Banking Industry

Speaker: William Hord, Senior VP of Risk & Professional Services

Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) is critical for industry growth in today’s fast-paced and ever-changing risk landscape. Do we understand and articulate our bank’s risk appetite and how that impacts our business units? How are we measuring and rating our risk impact, likelihood, and controls to mitigate our risk?

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Everything You Need to Know About Crypto

Speaker: Ryan McInerny, CAMS, FRM, MSBA - Principal, Product Strategy

With 20% of Americans owning cryptocurrencies, speaking "fluent crypto" in the financial sector ensures you are prepared to discuss growth and risk management strategies when the topic arises. May 18th, 2023 at 9:30 am PDT, 12:30 pm EDT, 5:30 pm BST

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The Unexpected Cost of Data Copies

Unfortunately, data replication, transformation, and movement can result in longer time to insight, reduced efficiency, elevated costs, and increased security and compliance risk.

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5 Early Indicators Your Embedded Analytics Will Fail

Many application teams leave embedded analytics to languish until something—an unhappy customer, plummeting revenue, a spike in customer churn—demands change. But by then, it may be too late. In this White Paper, Logi Analytics has identified 5 tell-tale signs your project is moving from “nice to have” to “needed yesterday.".

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How to Package and Price Embedded Analytics

Just by embedding analytics, application owners can charge 24% more for their product. How much value could you add? This framework explains how application enhancements can extend your product offerings. Brought to you by Logi Analytics.

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How and Why Should You Be Tracking Geopolitical Risk?

Geopolitical risk is now at the top of the agenda for CEOs. As a result, CEOs and C-suite professionals are becoming increasingly concerned about the impact of geopolitical risk on their businesses. So, what is geopolitical risk? How can you track geopolitical risk? But tracking it can be difficult.

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The Power of Storytelling in Risk Management

Speaker: Dr. Karen Hardy, CEO and Chief Risk Officer of Strategic Leadership Advisors LLC

Communication is a core component of a resilient organization's risk management framework. However, risk communication involves more than just reporting information and populating dashboards, and we may be limiting our skillset. Storytelling is the ability to express ideas and convey messages to others, including stakeholders.

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Cover Your SaaS: How to Overcome Security Challenges and Risks For Your Organization

Speaker: Ronald Eddings, Cybersecurity Expert and Podcaster

Uncover and mitigate various security risks that put sensitive customer and business data at risk — including identifying misconfigured SaaS settings and suspicious or malicious behavior. By focusing on SaaS security posture management, your team can finally accomplish the following: Discover both known and unknown SaaS apps.