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GDPR Webinar: Get Your Company Ready


It’s the date to watch: Friday, May 25, 2018. Has your company done all it needs to sufficiently protect personal data? After May 25th, all organizations working with the data of citizens who reside in the EU must comply with the so-called European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) – regardless of industry or size of a company.

"An EU Regulation that overrides everything...," "In cases of non-compliance, high fines of up to 20 million...," "Explicit consent of a customer...," "Overreaching compliance" – these and similar statements have been appearing online and in the press for months in connection with the General Data Protection Regulation and have been increasingly unsettling companies. But why? It’s all about addressing the growing importance of data and preventing the dramatic effects of data leaks when protection mechanisms are inadequate.

So what is the GDPR exactly? And how can a document management system like DocuWare help ensure compliance? In our webinar "The Correct Handling of Personal Data," we’ll be answering questions like:

  • What are the core tasks for implementing the GDPR?
  • Personal Data: What does this term cover?
  • What changes are there in today‘s rights - why do current regulations come up short?
  • Which technical and organizational steps can be taken at an early stage (e.g., privacy by design, directories of procedures)?

The wWagner_Pichur.jpgebinar will be hosted by Attorney Dr. Axel-Michael Wagner Partner in the law firm of PSP / Peters Schönberger & Partner. His areas of expertise include IT law in addition to M&A, sales and supply relationships, issues relating to compliance and civil litigation. Marcin Pichur will also be joining in. Marcin is Senior Sales Director EMEA / RoW. He will be speaking in more detail about how DocuWare can help a company with their compliance strategies. 

Please set aside time in your busy calendar to take advantage of this program:

Tuesday, March 6, 2018, 8:00 a.m. ET / 2:00 p.m. CET – approx. 9:00 a.m. ET / 3:00 p.m. CET

Here’s a link to our free registration:

Registration GDPR Webinar: Get Your Company Ready  

To make sure that everyone is fully equipped for this transition, DocuWare is also providing the most critical information about the new regulations in three handy tools: e-book, white paper, and to-do list. Download these free tools today!

Are you familiar with our special GDPR website? You can find loads of helpful information and documents on this important topic.
