Blockchain and Trust

In his 2008 white paper that first proposed bitcoin, the anonymous Satoshi Nakamoto concluded with: “We have proposed a system for electronic transactions without relying on trust.” He was referring to blockchain, the system behind bitcoin cryptocurrency. The circumvention of trust is a great promise, but it’s just not true. Yes, bitcoin eliminates certain trusted intermediaries that are inherent in other payment systems like credit cards. But you still have to trust bitcoin—and everything about it.

Much has been written about blockchains and how they displace, reshape, or eliminate trust. But when you analyze both blockchain and trust, you quickly realize that there is much more hype than value. Blockchain solutions are often much worse than what they replace.

First, a caveat. By blockchain, I mean something very specific: the data structures and protocols that make up a public blockchain. These have three essential elements. The first is a distributed (as in multiple copies) but centralized (as in there’s only one) ledger, which is a way of recording what happened and in what order. This ledger is public, meaning that anyone can read it, and immutable, meaning that no one can change what happened in the past.

The second element is the consensus algorithm, which is a way to ensure all the copies of the ledger are the same. This is generally called mining; a critical part of the system is that anyone can participate. It is also distributed, meaning that you don’t have to trust any particular node in the consensus network. It can also be extremely expensive, both in data storage and in the energy required to maintain it. Bitcoin has the most expensive consensus algorithm the world has ever seen, by far.

Finally, the third element is the currency. This is some sort of digital token that has value and is publicly traded. Currency is a necessary element of a blockchain to align the incentives of everyone involved. Transactions involving these tokens are stored on the ledger.

Private blockchains are completely uninteresting. (By this, I mean systems that use the blockchain data structure but don’t have the above three elements.) In general, they have some external limitation on who can interact with the blockchain and its features. These are not anything new; they’re distributed append-only data structures with a list of individuals authorized to add to it. Consensus protocols have been studied in distributed systems for more than 60 years. Append-only data structures have been similarly well covered. They’re blockchains in name only, and—as far as I can tell—the only reason to operate one is to ride on the blockchain hype.

All three elements of a public blockchain fit together as a single network that offers new security properties. The question is: Is it actually good for anything? It’s all a matter of trust.

Trust is essential to society. As a species, humans are wired to trust one another. Society can’t function without trust, and the fact that we mostly don’t even think about it is a measure of how well trust works.

The word “trust” is loaded with many meanings. There’s personal and intimate trust. When we say we trust a friend, we mean that we trust their intentions and know that those intentions will inform their actions. There’s also the less intimate, less personal trust—we might not know someone personally, or know their motivations, but we can trust their future actions. Blockchain enables this sort of trust: We don’t know any bitcoin miners, for example, but we trust that they will follow the mining protocol and make the whole system work.

Most blockchain enthusiasts have a unnaturally narrow definition of trust. They’re fond of catchphrases like “in code we trust,” “in math we trust,” and “in crypto we trust.” This is trust as verification. But verification isn’t the same as trust.

In 2012, I wrote a book about trust and security, Liars and Outliers. In it, I listed four very general systems our species uses to incentivize trustworthy behavior. The first two are morals and reputation. The problem is that they scale only to a certain population size. Primitive systems were good enough for small communities, but larger communities required delegation, and more formalism.

The third is institutions. Institutions have rules and laws that induce people to behave according to the group norm, imposing sanctions on those who do not. In a sense, laws formalize reputation. Finally, the fourth is security systems. These are the wide varieties of security technologies we employ: door locks and tall fences, alarm systems and guards, forensics and audit systems, and so on.

These four elements work together to enable trust. Take banking, for example. Financial institutions, merchants, and individuals are all concerned with their reputations, which prevents theft and fraud. The laws and regulations surrounding every aspect of banking keep everyone in line, including backstops that limit risks in the case of fraud. And there are lots of security systems in place, from anti-counterfeiting technologies to internet-security technologies.

In his 2018 book, Blockchain and the New Architecture of Trust, Kevin Werbach outlines four different “trust architectures.” The first is peer-to-peer trust. This basically corresponds to my morals and reputational systems: pairs of people who come to trust each other. His second is leviathan trust, which corresponds to institutional trust. You can see this working in our system of contracts, which allows parties that don’t trust each other to enter into an agreement because they both trust that a government system will help resolve disputes. His third is intermediary trust. A good example is the credit card system, which allows untrusting buyers and sellers to engage in commerce. His fourth trust architecture is distributed trust. This is emergent trust in the particular security system that is blockchain.

What blockchain does is shift some of the trust in people and institutions to trust in technology. You need to trust the cryptography, the protocols, the software, the computers and the network. And you need to trust them absolutely, because they’re often single points of failure.

When that trust turns out to be misplaced, there is no recourse. If your bitcoin exchange gets hacked, you lose all of your money. If your bitcoin wallet gets hacked, you lose all of your money. If you forget your login credentials, you lose all of your money. If there’s a bug in the code of your smart contract, you lose all of your money. If someone successfully hacks the blockchain security, you lose all of your money. In many ways, trusting technology is harder than trusting people. Would you rather trust a human legal system or the details of some computer code you don’t have the expertise to audit?

Blockchain enthusiasts point to more traditional forms of trust—bank processing fees, for example—as expensive. But blockchain trust is also costly; the cost is just hidden. For bitcoin, that’s the cost of the additional bitcoin mined, the transaction fees, and the enormous environmental waste.

Blockchain doesn’t eliminate the need to trust human institutions. There will always be a big gap that can’t be addressed by technology alone. People still need to be in charge, and there is always a need for governance outside the system. This is obvious in the ongoing debate about changing the bitcoin block size, or in fixing the DAO attack against Ethereum. There’s always a need to override the rules, and there’s always a need for the ability to make permanent rules changes. As long as hard forks are a possibility—that’s when the people in charge of a blockchain step outside the system to change it—people will need to be in charge.

Any blockchain system will have to coexist with other, more conventional systems. Modern banking, for example, is designed to be reversible. Bitcoin is not. That makes it hard to make the two compatible, and the result is often an insecurity. Steve Wozniak was scammed out of $70K in bitcoin because he forgot this.

Blockchain technology is often centralized. Bitcoin might theoretically be based on distributed trust, but in practice, that’s just not true. Just about everyone using bitcoin has to trust one of the few available wallets and use one of the few available exchanges. People have to trust the software and the operating systems and the computers everything is running on. And we’ve seen attacks against wallets and exchanges. We’ve seen Trojans and phishing and password guessing. Criminals have even used flaws in the system that people use to repair their cell phones to steal bitcoin.

Moreover, in any distributed trust system, there are backdoor methods for centralization to creep back in. With bitcoin, there are only a few miners of consequence. There’s one company that provides most of the mining hardware. There are only a few dominant exchanges. To the extent that most people interact with bitcoin, it is through these centralized systems. This also allows for attacks against blockchain-based systems.

These issues are not bugs in current blockchain applications, they’re inherent in how blockchain works. Any evaluation of the security of the system has to take the whole socio-technical system into account. Too many blockchain enthusiasts focus on the technology and ignore the rest.

To the extent that people don’t use bitcoin, it’s because they don’t trust bitcoin. That has nothing to do with the cryptography or the protocols. In fact, a system where you can lose your life savings if you forget your key or download a piece of malware is not particularly trustworthy. No amount of explaining how SHA-256 works to prevent double-spending will fix that.

Similarly, to the extent that people do use blockchains, it is because they trust them. People either own bitcoin or not based on reputation; that’s true even for speculators who own bitcoin simply because they think it will make them rich quickly. People choose a wallet for their cryptocurrency, and an exchange for their transactions, based on reputation. We even evaluate and trust the cryptography that underpins blockchains based on the algorithms’ reputation.

To see how this can fail, look at the various supply-chain security systems that are using blockchain. A blockchain isn’t a necessary feature of any of them. The reasons they’re successful is that everyone has a single software platform to enter their data in. Even though the blockchain systems are built on distributed trust, people don’t necessarily accept that. For example, some companies don’t trust the IBM/Maersk system because it’s not their blockchain.

Irrational? Maybe, but that’s how trust works. It can’t be replaced by algorithms and protocols. It’s much more social than that.

Still, the idea that blockchains can somehow eliminate the need for trust persists. Recently, I received an email from a company that implemented secure messaging using blockchain. It said, in part: “Using the blockchain, as we have done, has eliminated the need for Trust.” This sentiment suggests the writer misunderstands both what blockchain does and how trust works.

Do you need a public blockchain? The answer is almost certainly no. A blockchain probably doesn’t solve the security problems you think it solves. The security problems it solves are probably not the ones you have. (Manipulating audit data is probably not your major security risk.) A false trust in blockchain can itself be a security risk. The inefficiencies, especially in scaling, are probably not worth it. I have looked at many blockchain applications, and all of them could achieve the same security properties without using a blockchain­—of course, then they wouldn’t have the cool name.

Honestly, cryptocurrencies are useless. They’re only used by speculators looking for quick riches, people who don’t like government-backed currencies, and criminals who want a black-market way to exchange money.

To answer the question of whether the blockchain is needed, ask yourself: Does the blockchain change the system of trust in any meaningful way, or just shift it around? Does it just try to replace trust with verification? Does it strengthen existing trust relationships, or try to go against them? How can trust be abused in the new system, and is this better or worse than the potential abuses in the old system? And lastly: What would your system look like if you didn’t use blockchain at all?

If you ask yourself those questions, it’s likely you’ll choose solutions that don’t use public blockchain. And that’ll be a good thing—especially when the hype dissipates.

This essay previously appeared on

EDITED TO ADD (2/11): Two commentaries on my essay.

I have wanted to write this essay for over a year. The impetus to finally do it came from an invite to speak at the Hyperledger Global Forum in December. This essay is a version of the talk I wrote for that event, made more accessible to a general audience.

It seems to be the season for blockchain takedowns. James Waldo has an excellent essay in Queue. And Nicholas Weaver gave a talk at the Enigma Conference, summarized here. It’s a shortened version of this talk.

EDITED TO ADD (2/17): Reddit thread.

EDITED TO ADD (3/1): Two more articles.

EDITED TO ADD (7/14/2023): This essay has been translated into Italian.

Posted on February 12, 2019 at 6:25 AM158 Comments


Peter Galbavy February 12, 2019 7:07 AM

Love the nonsense in the Morris commentary: “He’s absolutely right about that. But it’s hardly a fatal blow—in fact, it’s a point that’s already well-understood by many serious blockchain architects.” – all I could think of was replacing the word “blockchain” with “sand castle” and that worked much better.

I think if you globally replace “blockchain” with “sand castle” it reads much more honestly out there in the world.

lattenwald February 12, 2019 7:49 AM

@Ismar blockchain and digital signatures are orthogonal, blockchain is data structure and digital signature is one of many applications of cryptographic algorithms.

tobi February 12, 2019 7:53 AM

Cryptocurrencies are not useless. They are functional money. You can pay with them.

They give a bank account to billions of unbanked people.
They provide an exit from defunct currency systems such as in Venezuela.
They make international payments far cheaper and quicker.
They are a way for companies to save credit card fees which are 1-3%.
They make micropayments possible which the existing financial system seems unable to provide.
They are programmatic money enabling lots of new use cases and innovations. Any teenager can now receive and send money programmatically. No licenses.

Chris February 12, 2019 8:06 AM

Hello Bruce, thank you for your article. A lot of what you say is true. However, just as blockchain enthusiasts are too narrowly focussed on “in code we trust” you are too narrowly focussed on today’s state of blockchain, i.e. its usability and its use case.

People can easily lose the keys to their wallets. However, there exist multisig schemes which can mitigate those risks, e.g. additionally to your private keys, there could be a 2 out of 3 notary access to your wallet. Exchanges could implement multisig with you holding part of the keys to protect your funds. Generally speaking, usability and ease of use are still rather poor and still some way away from mainstream adoption, but this will improve over time.

Another thing to consider is competition of trust systems. For instance, Venezuela and Zimbabwe, both face hyper inflation, their governments have failed. Every other trust system -however flawed- would be better at this point. If there was an alternative trust system (Bitcoin) available to the general population, it would help keep the primary trust system (government/institutions) honest.

Bitcoin has the power to transform how our society works by giving additional tools and methods to personal economic freedom which have never existed before.

George H.H. Mitchell February 12, 2019 8:13 AM

Apologizing and dodging brickbats in advance for this terribly pedantic comment: Satoshi Nakamoto is pseudonymous, not anonymous.

metaschima February 12, 2019 9:00 AM

Great essay on the blockchain and trust. I totally agree that the blockchain doesn’t eliminate trust. I think bitcoin is indeed for delusional people who think they will get rich quick. In the end it was probably designed to be a scam. I can’t understand the hype though. I guess it’s just general distrust in government and banking that drive people to try other things. Their slogans are particularly laughable. In code we trust, lol, clearly whoever wrote this has never written code.

Denton Scratch February 12, 2019 9:03 AM


“Take banking, for example. Financial institutions, merchants, and individuals are all concerned with their reputations, which prevents theft and fraud.”

Is that really what you meant to say? That bankers’ concern with their reputations actually prevents theft and fraud?

tobi February 12, 2019 9:21 AM

There is a lot of bullshit being said in the cryptocurrency community. Ignore it. Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater. There are good and bad things going on. This calls for a nuanced view.

The community has a lot of different viewpoints and factions. It would be a strawman to take the insane viewpoints, correctly attack them and conclude that cryptocurrencies are useless.

It is hard to rely on the mainstream media for this kind of information. They optimize for sensationalistic articles, not for depth and also not for breadth. If you really want to get a feel for this rising phenomenon, and realize what insiders already realize, you need to subscribe to a few blogs and listen to a few podcast. Aim for diversity of opinions.

It is a truly fascinating space. A decentralized currency has never existed and we will over time discover what impact it has on the world. In fact, not even hard money has ever existed. There always was an issuer who could, and did, abuse their power. Our governments for example like to take 2% out of our pockets every year through artificial inflation. This does not have to be.

Petre Peter February 12, 2019 9:43 AM

Society in cities is built on trust. Communities in villages are built on trust. In both of these systems trust is the requirement for existence because it enables change. Technology increases the speed with which change takes place because technology augments trust. A smart city needs a smart village as much as a smart village needs a smart city. When the last farmer dies, so will my trust in cities. For trust to flourish in both, cities and villages, the entrepreneur must reign in the city and the farmer must reign in the village because one is the reset button of the other.

Erorus February 12, 2019 10:06 AM

Honestly, cryptocurrencies are useless. They’re only used by speculators looking for quick riches, people who don’t like government-backed currencies, and criminals who want a black-market way to exchange money.

And by people who want to transact online without asking permission from companies like Paypal, Stripe, and Visa. I need to be able to control how I send and receive money in case I want to make transactions that payment companies don’t like for political or business reasons. Sometimes their “fraud protection” countermeasures get in the way of legitimate transactions, and we have no recourse.

It’s unsafe and irresponsible to rely solely on private companies for the transaction of money. We need something cash-like to exchange value over long distances.

Winter February 12, 2019 10:08 AM

There seems to be a deep rooted believe in the USA that people are not to be trusted, but we can formulate rules, or code, that we can use instead to create the ideal world. In this ideal world, we can live our lives without having to be bothered by other people unless we want to. This idea is best exemplified by hard core libertarians who think they can run an industrial society on interpersonal contracts in a completely free market.

These believes are found in the Bay Area, where social problems are supposedly “solved” with new technology. But it is also found in the USA’s legal system, which tries to remove human judgement with a barrage of prescriptive, automatic laws, read “The death of common sense” by Philip K. Howard.

Blockchain is simply the latest religion that comes out of these believes.

The real problems the blockchain prophets are bringing up have deep political roots and do not have a simple technological solution. As our host has remarked before, new technologies tend to strengthen the powerful in the end.

Technical problems are easy to solve, social problems almost never are. Anyone who claims he can solve a persistent social problem with some gadget just shows he has not understood the problem in the first place.

Impossibly Stupid February 12, 2019 10:41 AM

An overall nice essay, Bruce, but I would “trust” your analysis much more if you weren’t so absolute and you weren’t so rosy regarding other existing systems of trust.

I mean, I don’t know how anyone can say with a straight face that “laws and regulations surrounding every aspect of banking keep everyone in line”. So many people lost their life savings in the last meltdown, and none of it was reversed and no bankers went to jail. There is also a dizzying amount of ongoing fraud in other forms that are engaged in using existing financial system; it undermines your thesis when you attack only cryptocurrencies for that.

Then when you say issues are “not bugs in current blockchain applications, they’re inherent in how blockchain works”, you clearly must know that is not true. A blockchain approach is new. It’s first generation technology. Of course we will see blockchain implementations in the future that address some of the shortcoming that people are finding as they attempt to adopt it as a solution to their problems.

That said, yeah, there is certainly more hype surrounding blockchains than is warranted. But all new technology has a hype cycle. That doesn’t mean “cryptocurrencies are useless”, or that blockchain concepts can’t otherwise be put to good use. The real problem with new technologies, blockchain and otherwise, are the overall trust issues you discuss: people trust the wrong people and institutions based on false morals and reputations. Until that changes they will always fall victim to the con man who leads them to extremes.

Sok Puppette February 12, 2019 11:25 AM

What cryptocurrency gives you is diversification. Yes, it has serious failure modes, but it doesn’t share the same failure modes as the other things you talk about. It can’t probably can’t and almost certainly shouldn’t replace them, but it can usefully augment them.

You seem to look at this only from the point of view of somebody who lives in a very high-trust part of the world… and in a part of the world that’s administered relatively fairly for you.

Imagine, on the other hand, that you were a 19-year-old Saudi girl who was hoping to leave the country. You read the news. You know why you’d want to leave. What do you do when all the institutions around you are against you? How are you going to pay for your ticket? You can’t even have a bank account without your father’s signature. And you can’t really bribe a border guard with a bank payment, either.

… and it’s almost trite to bring up, say, Nazi seizures of Jewish assets, and how hard that made it for people to even escape with their lives. Or any of the many similar things that have happened throughout history.

Failures of major institutions, definitely including the state, aren’t remote hypotheticals. They seem rare, because they don’t happen every day… but when they do happen they affect huge numbers of people. At a guess, I’d say the average human has maybe a 20 percent chance of being seriously hurt, in a life changing way, by some massive, state-sized institutional failure during his or her lifetime. That’s not insignificant.

Speculation isn’t interesting at all. It doesn’t add any value to the real world. And obviously nobody should put their life’s savings into any one asset, let alone something as technical and volatile as cryptocurrency. But it does add value to have a safety valve.

People point to criminal use, and claim that it’s a bad thing that cryptocurrency lets you avoid government controls. And I agree that it shouldn’t be easy to do illegal things. Most illegal things in most places should be illegal. But some shouldn’t, and that means that sometimes it has to be possible.

If anything, cryptocurrency’s inconvenience and has sharp edges make it a better thing for the world as a whole. If it were trivial and completely safe to store and move money without institutional help, and possibly in secret, that would probably lead to more real crime than the world could absorb. At the very least, it’d require adopting a completely different system of taxation. But if those things are possible but hard, that means that people in extremis have a refuge that’s less attractive for casual criminality.

Also, and less importantly…

In fact, a system where you can lose your life savings if you forget your key or download a piece of malware is not particularly trustworthy.

… but that’s trust in myself. Not that I or anybody should put my entire life’s savings in any one place.

It actually turns out that I have some moderately valuable cryptocurrency wallets (containing currency I bought to “play” with long ago when it wasn’t worth much).

I won’t go into detail on how I protect that currency. I think my protections are at least as reliable as anything any bank has, even if you take into account the insurance systems backstopping the banks. And I do know a fair amount about how banks operate.

Depriving me of the money through crime would take a multipronged, long-term, risky, individualized operation that would probably cost much more than the value of the currency even if it didn’t get you caught and arrested. No plausible disaster would deprive me of the currency. Killing me would not deprive my heirs, but they couldn’t steal it easily either.

I don’t claim that the average person would know how to set up anything similar. And one of the costs is that I don’t have instant access to the money. But at least it’s possible to protect yourself to a very high degree against accidents or errors, and to an acceptable degree against malware and even physical attacks. With a little thought, even the average person can probably set up a system that’s probably too much of a pain to figure out to make actual crime worth it… assuming an “average” amount of money involved.

…and at the very least it’s trivially easy not to just lose the damned keys. That’s just lame.

You still have exposures to market vagaries, to systemwide “hard fork” protocol changes, and to black swan algorithm and protocol bugs. I’m not saying those aren’t real risks, but once again they are different risks than the risks to your bank accounts. So you have some diversity and some protection against common mode failures between cryptocurrency and the traditional financial system.

Many of your exposures are at least mostly under your control, and the ones you control with cryptocurrency are not the same as the the ones you control in the traditional financial system.

You can look at the human institutions that decide on things like hard forks as valuable complements and backups for the human institutions that decide on things like expropriating disliked ethnic groups… or that occasionaly just make bad fiscal decisions on the grand scale.

It’s always good to have a backup.

berlin February 12, 2019 11:26 AM

At the financial crisis and Well Fargo scandals have shown, morals, reputation and institutions — 3 elements of trust that are mentioned in this essay — are quite vulnerable. Trillions of dollars were wiped out, executives of financial institutions allow frauds and wrongdoing to happen for personal gains and yet the laws have not been effective in the prevention or correction. No one senior bankers have gone to jail.

Another point for public blockchain is transparency. It is not uncommon that one pays a bill and something happens between the messaging or systems of either party’s financial institutions and it could take days before one has to go back and forth between parties to records reconciled between two systems. A public blockchain with its ledger visible to both participating parties can reduce those overheads.

The author missed the point about IBM/Maersk. When all the nodes are controlled by one party, it is a centralized trust. there is no security to prevent the party from modifying the entire ledger. there is no difference whether it is a blockchain or centrally managed database.

CallMeLateForSupper February 12, 2019 11:42 AM

ISTR reading articles last year about Bitcoin’s being bogged down s-l-o-w blockchain “resolution” rates (my term; don’t know correct one) and disincentivized by higher-than-comfortable transaction fees. (Who wants to buy a Starbucks, for example, when the transaction fee doubles its cost. Rhetorical)

Personally, I don’t use digital tokens because what I do pay with, cash, works for me, and works very well, and has worked well since the days of silver dollars, 50-cent coins and silver certificates. Also, none of the dozens of local businesses accept Bitcoin – Yes, I have asked, out of curiosity – and that is a powerful DISincentive.)

Tony February 12, 2019 11:54 AM

I avoid bitcoin because of the volatility. It wasn’t important when the “value” of a bitcoin was heading upwards. But it sure is now. People tout avoiding a 2% transaction fee when using conventional banking products. But that seems like peanuts to some of the single day plummets in bitcoin recently.

asdf February 12, 2019 12:10 PM

The point about having to trust computers, networks, O/Ss and the rest is irrelevant, because you have to trust those things in order to use the standard banking system as well. None of modern banking would operate correctly without all of the technologies you mentioned, and plenty of fraud and theft in traditional banking occurs precisely because of these vulnerabilities.

Bitcoin seems pretty obviously a way to transfer trust, not eliminate it. There is a real need to be able to transfer trust away from a system that nuked the world economy in 1929 and nearly did so again in 2008, for nearly the same reasons. How long until the next banking fiasco destroys the wealth of millions of people? Fiat-based currencies and inflationary, fractional-reserve banking systems are corrupt and fraudulent. Why wouldn’t people want an alternative, despite the risks?

With bitcoin barely 10 years old, it seems premature to criticize the flaws, or to focus on the marketing message (AKA “hype”) rather than the value add. Obviously as the technology matures, the security problems will be mitigated; none of them are fundamental.

Alex February 12, 2019 12:13 PM


There is one point you make that undermines your thesis of the uselessness of cryptocurrencies:

people who don’t like government-backed currencies

The same argument was made about strong cryptographic protocols. People who don’t want governments reading their communications. That is a legitimate case. So is the ability to store wealth in a medium not bound to the whims of the U.S. government. Go ask Venezuela (not gonna debate who’s on the right here, just who can make the call on who gets the money 🙂 ).

In any case, if the U.S. govt. went on a currency printing binge, people would jump to other currencies. If all countries go on a binge, it’s gold. If gold stores start being raided by CIA types, where do you go?

asdf February 12, 2019 12:18 PM

Btw, as techniques in proving code correctness improve, I see no reason why “in code we trust” won’t make a heck of a lot more sense than trusting in a depository bank.

…keeping in mind that depository banks rely on all the same networks, encryption, O/Ss etc to operate.

Code correctness proofs will someday apply to all code, including blockchain algorithms. But they will never apply to the corruptible humans that operate our banks. This is the true meaning of “in code we trust.” (No point in being pedantic about “trust” versus “verify” here.)

David February 12, 2019 12:39 PM

What about those occasions historically when people decided that existing trust institutions were no longer working? In those situations, people came up with newer institutions with updated rules and proprietors. Could we not consider the rise of the appearance of blockchain and digital currencies as signaling something similar?

There are all kinds of loudmouths in the blockchain camp bandying about buzzwords like “trustless” and “decentralized.” In reality, there are many level-headed people using and building blockchain technologies who realize that the need for trust cannot be completely eliminated. Many of those people are in a position to know enough about the underlying technologies that they actually do feel more comfortable interacting with an “institution” (blockchain, in this case) that is more autonomous than a traditional institution like a bank.

Chris Bonatti February 12, 2019 12:39 PM

Great column. While blockchain technology is being widely hyped as the solution to practically everything, it fails a lot of tests in doing what it purports to do for crypto-currencies. Being entirely observable, it remains only for state-level surveillance agencies to disambiguate Bitcoin addresses (and identifiers in all other similar crypto-currencies) to completely pierce the anonymity of the system. This has been done. Consensus protocols can be trivially undermined by applying sufficient resources to “stack the vote”, and then do virtually anything to the transaction history. This has been done to reputation-based systems at Yelp and Facebook, and it has been done to Bitcoin too.

Another flaw that Bruce alludes to is beyond the scope of blockchain technology and trust, but also critically undermines all current crypto-currencies. That is, irrespective of its operational details, Bitcoin is what monetary theoreticians (economists?) would describe as a “fiat currency”. This means that it is a medium of exchange that is backed by nothing that has inherent value. This is no different than today’s US dollar or the British pound, however, for Bitcoin the problem is worse because the market capitalization (and hence liquidity) of Bitcoin is orders of magnitude smaller. Having no inherent value behind it, Bitcoins are substantially reliant on a handful of exchanges to establish and maintain their value. Past shocks to Bitcoin valuation when such exchanges are hacked give ample proof of this. So in spite of the clever use of proof of work incorporated into its design, Bitcoin nonetheless still incorporates the worst flaw so far discovered in monetary systems. Yes, Bitcoins are worth something, but what that value will be is far less stabilized than many seem to believe.

I do agree with many that some form of crypto-currency is in the future of human society. However, I think that Bitcoin and its present competitors represent a v0.9 effort, and perhaps a widespread beta-test, at best. The fragmentation of the crypto-currency market should be sufficient proof of that. It’s time to be honest about the shortcomings of the current crop of contenders, and work towards a more solid and unified v1.0. I would also argue that some economists need to be at the table too… not just computer scientists.

uh, Mike February 12, 2019 12:54 PM

Bitcoin can work when you trust your trading partner more than you trust established authority.
Presently, in states that have legalized marijuana, traders can’t trust the banking system.
Some marijuana stores are using instant bitcoin transactions in order to accept (launder) credit card payments.
Blockchains can thrive in the cracks between human and institutional behavior.

Yoshiaki Suzuki February 12, 2019 1:03 PM

@Bruce, Sorry, but lots of inaccurate statements in that article.

Lots of hacks don’t result in all money lost. Ethereum hack was reversed. Then the hackers set up their own blockchain, where the hack wasn’t reversed, giving everyone with ETH extra funds on the new ETC blockchain. Weird things happen in the blockverse.

If an exchange gets hacked, they try to repay your lost funds, out of their ongoing profits, using a new coin. If they find a vulnerability, sometimes it gets patched without losses (e.g. Zcash patch of Jan. 2019). In another case, a vulnerability in a wallet allowed black hatters to steal funds. So white hatters hacked as many wallets as they could, made the funds safe, and returned them to owners (Parity client ETH wallets, 2017).

If you can’t remember your passphrase, you should have written it down. But sometimes you can use a program to help you try different combinations, if you remember it partially (e.g. Ardor).

Not so black and white as you said.

Weather February 12, 2019 1:06 PM

Your mixing the points of computer and humans, yes humans are fable but they have 21 years of time locked knowledge, a computer 1 sec.

Daniel February 12, 2019 1:17 PM

@bruce writes, ” As a species, humans are wired to trust one another. Society can’t function without trust, and the fact that we mostly don’t even think about it is a measure of how well trust works.”

As a strictly philosophical matter, I agree with you that society cannot function without trust but I disagree that we are “wired” to do so, at least if by wired you mean “hard wired,” in the sense there is some genetic or evolutionary basis for trust. The wires in trust are all software and no hardware whatsoever is involved.

vas pup February 12, 2019 2:02 PM

@Daniel and all respected bloggers regarding what humans are really wired to including some aspects of the trust (put political correctness and illusions aside):

General thoughts on trust to government:
(1)we have two orthogonal features of folks working for the government (government is functioning through people not by itself): intellect and morality. You may have very intellectual folks but immoral, stupid folks with good morals, intellectual folks with good morals (that what want I guess) and stupid folks with bad morals (the worst case). So, trust folks based on their good morals only we will get useful idiots easily manipulated by lobbyists or/and party interests/demagogues. They could not deliver results useful for society because of mental mediocrity. I am talking here primary on legislative and judicial branch. In executive branch its is more relevant for political appointees, not career professionals with expertise in particular sphere of life. They are delivering actions and results versus talking.
Merits (intellectual and moral – with measurable features – not so called holistic BS)not demographics should be base for transparent procedure for recruiting to the government.
I’ll set up minimum score on IQ test for prospective members of the Congress – just as precaution.
I guess it is difficult to trust legislature which creates laws benefiting primary either too rich or too poor and abandoning for many years actual needs of middle class which is core of society stability.
(2) It is difficult trust executive branch and judicial branch when they selectively apply on regular basis already biased laws. Unfortunately, they are often (with very rear exception) sided not by the regular folks, but by wealthy and/or big business further increasing imbalance of power in society. They delivered due process, but not justice.
(3)Trust is Two-way street. If federal agent could lie to you and this is legitimized by SCOTUS decision, and you can’t (Title 18, 1001) – that is undermining trust substantially in a long term.

Steve February 12, 2019 2:30 PM

Cryptocurrencies useless? Not entirely. They are a new form of economy outside the control of governments. Of course they can be abused, but if you are under a repressive regime they may give you back some power.

The main one I’m playing with is Steem ( It’s a platform for posting contest that pays users in crypto. I like that nobody controls it totally, although the ‘whales’ have a lot of influence. Anyone in the world can earn something there and a few dollars can be life-changing for some. People are building apps on it, including games. It’s an alternative to the centralised platforms that are exploiting our data and I think we need alternatives.

I’m not a drug dealer or a political radical, but I’ve made enough for a nice guitar and a couple of trips to their conferences. It works for me.

BTW I don’t get anything if you join up. I just want more people to take advantage of what it offers.

Jan-Willem February 12, 2019 2:31 PM

To be honest, I don’t think that Bitcoin or BlockChain is useless. Especially in countries where corruption is huge and nearly none governmental organisations can be trusted, Blockchain (with smart contracts or with cryptocurrencies) can help to keep your investment in money or in buildings safe. Although in such countries governmental “helpers” can force you with a gun on your head to give your passphrase for the wallet.

But in countries with a reasonably good banking system or reasonably good governmental organisation, I don’t see an added value for block chain, especially not since block chain costs a huge amount of energy.

The main risk at the moment is that the number or large miners is decreasing and we can’t trust that these miners will not cooperate and at that moment distributed trust will be gone.

zach February 12, 2019 3:42 PM

It really pains me to see folks in cryptography and security fields Kow towing to regulated, fully corrupt institutions, banks, and government. You are supposed to better than this. Respectable economists and cryptographers fully understand “the” blockchain, and this is only Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the best, most sound money humanity has EVER seen and to see you just using blanket statements instead of digging into the cryptography and how it’s trust works.

Jesse Thompson February 12, 2019 4:19 PM

Honestly, cryptocurrencies are useless. They’re only used by..

No uses.
Wait, I mean three uses.

speculators looking for quick riches

EG: a fancy form of gambling. Compare/contrast Satoshidice.

Does this also make the stock-market useless? Because basically all money trading hands there follows the same maxim of “race everybody else to earn gains from arbitrary events”: EG, value speculation.

And I would argue that all government-backed currencies hang their value upon this activity, so… (?)

people who don’t like government-backed currencies

Well, you’ve mentioned that Bitcoin exchanges and wallets and even wallet software tends to centralize, as a way of cutting against this hope of avoiding government centralization.

But the wallet software is open source, and the protocol is open source, so I can at least in principal write my own wallet software and it will still work.

I can of course run my own bitcoin node and wallet application, and then the protocol guarantees me a perfect unforgeable personal copy of the ledger. I do not have to personally mine to get this so the expense is pretty small.

And I don’t have to use a large, centralized exchange. If the need arises, I can trade with individuals over LocalBitcoins or even just Craigslist or people that I meet through

The costs to do all of this are more than most people will pay when they can instead run centralized hosted wallets and use centralized exchanges and earn 0 cost transactions in exchange for this loss of autonomy.

That is, until the central institutions begin actually breaking public trust. And then the costs of any one person spinning up their own alternative institution for a cryptocurrency are FAR lower than the cost of trying to build your own Bank when there is a recession, and the costs to minimally autonomous end-users to switch to the alternative institutions remain very close to zero.

In the traditional currency world, when every bank on earth screws you simultaneously (which frequently happens, more frequently in some countries than in others) creating a new bank clean from that corruption takes what steps, again?

Government backed currencies require submission to a network of institutions such that any one person anywhere in the chain can commit fraud so easily that every person at every link of the chain gets completely buried in rules and paperwork and arbitrary punitive threats just for the privilege of participating at all.

Case in point, I work for an ISP that took years and years to finally get signed in with an Automated Clearing House (ACH) to be able to participate in electronic checking. Now we are laden with untold regulations and threats of penalty because we can, just by typing the wrong keys in the wrong order, debit virtually any amount of money from virtually any bank account in the US with no other immediate oversight.

In my view that is far more capability than any node in our position ought to be exposed to, but our banking system lacks the flexibility to maintain any more clear boundaries at any step of the chain.

Could you imagine if your local gym had no locks on their lockers, and everyone just had to use cubbyholes and the honor system with a draconian set of punishments for whoever gets caught stealing other people’s items? A set of punishments that mean nothing to whoever figures out how to get away with it? Because that’s our banking system right now.

Cryptocurrencies offer at least the potential to trade some of that constant sociopolitical insecurity for the complementary insecurity of “can I keep this application running on this computer system from being hacked”.

Not much of a trade either, because whoever can hack the computer you use to log into your banking website gets access to all of your traditional money already. Have you ever tried convincing your bank to reverse website-authorized money movements due to “I was pwnt”?

It’s the precise same tradeoff that everyone who uses PGP/GPG to make their communications unreadable by the government makes when they choose to verify/trust “the code” to keep their messages discreet in preference to choosing the benevolence of the government to do the same for them.

So I don’t understand why you argue against government backdoors in communication but then basically demand government backdoors in our money. :/

criminals who want a black-market way to exchange money.

Case in point, you tout communication unhearable by the government as noble yet movements of money untrackable by the government you call evil and criminal by definition.

I cannot understand why your money and your mouth diverge so heavily on this issue, Bruce.

Rach El February 12, 2019 6:17 PM


They give a bank account to billions of unbanked people.
They provide an exit from defunct currency systems such as in Venezuela.
They make international payments far cheaper and quicker.
They are a way for companies to save credit card fees which are 1-3%.
They make micropayments possible which the existing financial system seems unable to provide.
They are programmatic money enabling lots of new use cases and innovations. Any teenager can now receive and send money programmatically. No licenses.

It’s funny, basically everyone one of your points here are wrong.

If people are too impoverished or disconnected to have a bank account – how will they afford or access blockchain? And so on and so forth.
Blockchain is slow, expensive, resource intensive, and loaded with fees and charges.
International payments are already cheap and quick.
How are micropayments unavailable elsewhere? How are the micropayments you claim available via blockchain not fraught with liability?

And, blockchain is not money. Oh, and ‘new use cases and innovations’ is meaningless Silicon Valley blabber. Like taking a restaurant serviette and inventing an origami shape.

The single greatest error that is so rarely alluded to, is that this so called currency or money is not backed by anything of value. It is not supported by labour. It has no substance. This is catastrophic for a whole range of reasons. It would be nice of all of these enthusiasts actually understood money and economics

Rach El February 12, 2019 6:32 PM


“That is, irrespective of its operational details, Bitcoin is what monetary theoreticians (economists?) would describe as a “fiat currency”. This means that it is a medium of exchange that is backed by nothing that has inherent value.”

David, bitcoin is not a fiat currency. Further, fiat currency does have value despite not being on the gold standard.

The most common response is fiat is required to pay tax. However its value is measurable in other ways

Interestingly, bitcoins value continues to be measured by conversion to a corresponding fiat currency of worth.

Thank you everyone for your mature and informed responses. It’s a significant contribution, as ever here at Schneier on Security.
A well composed piece, Mr Schnier

Bruce Schneier February 12, 2019 8:02 PM


“Where does this leave technologies like digital signatures which to the best of my knowledge are legally binding at least in the USA ?”

I’m not sure what you’re asking. Or, at least, why you think blockchain and those Docusign things are in any way comparable. The reason Docusign — and all of those fake Internet signature technologies — work is because signing isn’t what most people think it is. It is more about the ritual of signing than any unforgability property.

Bruce Schneier February 12, 2019 8:03 PM


“They give a bank account to billions of unbanked people.
“They provide an exit from defunct currency systems such as in Venezuela.
“They make international payments far cheaper and quicker.
“They are a way for companies to save credit card fees which are 1-3%.
“They make micropayments possible which the existing financial system seems unable to provide.
“They are programmatic money enabling lots of new use cases and innovations. Any teenager can now receive and send money programmatically. No licenses.”

The thing is, they basically do none of those things. It’s all fairy stories.

Bruce Schneier February 12, 2019 8:04 PM


“Bitcoin has the power to transform how our society works by giving additional tools and methods to personal economic freedom which have never existed before.”

Sorry. I don’t believe it. It does none of those things. It gives no additional tools, and doesn’t do anything for personal economic freedom.

Bruce Schneier February 12, 2019 8:07 PM


“And by people who want to transact online without asking permission from companies like Paypal, Stripe, and Visa. I need to be able to control how I send and receive money in case I want to make transactions that payment companies don’t like for political or business reasons. Sometimes their ‘fraud protection’ countermeasures get in the way of legitimate transactions, and we have no recourse.

“It’s unsafe and irresponsible to rely solely on private companies for the transaction of money. We need something cash-like to exchange value over long distances.”

Yet, you do have to — even with Bitcoin. There’s too big a risk of fraud if you are the first one to act in a cryptocurrency transaction. And then you’re back in the middle of private companies — exchanges — again.

Sorry, the ideal isn’t the same as the reality.

Bruce Schneier February 12, 2019 8:08 PM

@George H.H. Mitchell:

“Apologizing and dodging brickbats in advance for this terribly pedantic comment: Satoshi Nakamoto is pseudonymous, not anonymous.”

I know that. I decided it was too big a word for the first paragraph of the essay.

Bruce Schneier February 12, 2019 8:10 PM

@Sok Puppette:

I understand what you’re saying about low-trust areas of the world. What people do in those areas is move to a more stable, foreign, currency if at all possible. Cryptocurrency isn’t going to be a better option in those areas.

Bruce Schneier February 12, 2019 8:12 PM


“Another point for public blockchain is transparency. It is not uncommon that one pays a bill and something happens between the messaging or systems of either party’s financial institutions and it could take days before one has to go back and forth between parties to records reconciled between two systems. A public blockchain with its ledger visible to both participating parties can reduce those overheads.”

Yes, and so could many other non-blockchain technologies. I’m not saying that you haven’t identified a problem, only that blockchain is about the most inefficient possible solution to that problem.

Bruce Schneier February 12, 2019 8:13 PM


“With bitcoin barely 10 years old, it seems premature to criticize the flaws, or to focus on the marketing message (AKA “hype”) rather than the value add. Obviously as the technology matures, the security problems will be mitigated; none of them are fundamental.”

The point of my essay is to say that the problems are fundamental. They are inherent in the definition of a public blockchain; no amount of technological maturity will change them.

Bruce Schneier February 12, 2019 8:15 PM


“In any case, if the U.S. govt. went on a currency printing binge, people would jump to other currencies. If all countries go on a binge, it’s gold. If gold stores start being raided by CIA types, where do you go?”

It doesn’t matter where you go. If that actually happens, society will look very different than it looks today and you have a lot more problems than a non-government currency can solve.

Bruce Schneier February 12, 2019 8:17 PM


“What about those occasions historically when people decided that existing trust institutions were no longer working? In those situations, people came up with newer institutions with updated rules and proprietors. Could we not consider the rise of the appearance of blockchain and digital currencies as signaling something similar?”

I really don’t think so. Or, at least, to the extent that blockchain represents “newer institutions” has nothing to do with the blockchain data structure. We’d be better off ditching the blockchain and sticking with those newer institutions.

Bruce Schneier February 12, 2019 8:19 PM


“Bitcoin is the best, most sound money humanity has EVER seen and to see you just using blanket statements instead of digging into the cryptography and how it’s trust works.”

My point is that Bitcoin’s trust — or lack thereof — has nothing to do with its cryptography.

Bruce Schneier February 12, 2019 8:20 PM

That’s enough for now. I’ll try to poke back into this thread tomorrow.

Thank you all for your thougtful — and civil — comments.

sooth sayer February 12, 2019 9:17 PM

I have never seen Bruce rebut this many postings ever!

My only comment is that he should have addressed the trust aspect of hard forks more.

With a hard fork you are fully blowing up the trust argument. This single “feature” is the end of all blockchains.

sitaram February 12, 2019 11:17 PM

“They’re blockchains in name only, and — as far as I can tell — the only reason to operate one is to ride on the blockchain hype.”

Ummm, no. There are applications where, say, N entities do business together, and each doesn’t trust any of the others. Several kinds of fraud involve back-dating entries in various ways (create/update/delete something in the past). Going into consortium mode, and having a way to store data immutably, helps.

While “distributed” has been studied for decades, I am not so sure of “append-only” being so old hat as you appear to be saying it is.

Weather February 13, 2019 1:04 AM

About labor to give it value, is a good point, but it won’t pass the threshold to get to that point.

A computer can be given 21 years of data, but even if it process that in 1 sec can it do it then again and again for 21 years ,with one or two crashes which it automatic restart from and continued. Will trust it then.

Sorry to flog a dead horse, but is the cryptosystem really good, and can it always be.

Winter February 13, 2019 2:33 AM

Many of the supposed benefits of crypto currencies are just implementations of underground banking systems, like the (in)famous hawala banking.

As a modern automatized hawala system, I do see a role for public block chains. Probably embeded in the global financial system.

But the practical block chain that will make such a payment system will not be based on the exceptionally expensive proof-of-work consensus of bitcoin. It has to be much more efficient.

Jim Willeke February 13, 2019 6:14 AM

“Would you rather trust a human legal system or the details of some computer code you don’t have the expertise to audit?”

Are you implying that people have enough expertise to audit the “human legal system” more than “some computer code”?

Phaete February 13, 2019 6:34 AM

Can we eliminate trust in trading?
I don’t think so, it will always be an integral part of any trade.
With direct barter you need to trust that the goods are in order.
Banks and paper money require trust in them to function.
Trading with rare commodities allows fakes or other misrepresentations.
Trading via third parties need trust in those.

I’d say some kind of trust is integral for trade, and thus for the trade method/currency.

Guarantees of what will happen when trust is misplaced during trade is the best thing to minimise the influence of trust on trading.

Banks had this very well covered, until they got too greedy and crashed the world economy.
Digital currency still has too many “Oops we lost you money, my bad” with exchanges, software issues and bad security.

But what else can we use to support a decentralised, global digital currency but blockchain?

Faustus February 13, 2019 8:19 AM

At this point I take the disproportionate avalanche of criticism of blockchain as an indication that it makes the powers to be very uncomfortable and therefore it is on the right track. The companies that finance everybody, including most pundits, don’t want to be cut out of the action.

It is pointless – I guess – to observe that the same criticisms met any technology that was in early evolution. Tactic one: ignore that it is a work in progress. “Of course cars will never work. It is incredibly inefficient to carry a massive steam boiler around. QED!” Tactic two: ignore any counter arguments and just keep repeating the same thing.

I’m not going to waste any more time on this here. I guess this topic is the poster boy for massive regulation of the internet and general purpose computing. I forecast that this forum will be promoting regulation of cryptography in due course.

If not, why not? Cryptography can be horribilized in all sorts of similar ways. Blockchain and cryptography are both math that affects society. They both can be used for “”evil””. (I thought that that deserved double scare quotes.) What is the line that separates them?

Today they come for your blockchain. Tomorrow it’s your computer. I won’t be there.

Faustus February 13, 2019 9:46 AM

I used to think Ayn Rand was ridiculous, arguing against a society that didn’t exist. But I was born in the 60s and I have lived mostly in the freedom of spirit that that decade set into motion. Were there mistakes? Plenty. That’s how people knew they were actually doing something. There is no progress without mistakes.

“Throughout the centuries there were men (sic) who took first steps down new roads armed with nothing but their own vision. Their goals differed, but they all had this in common: that the step was first, the road new, the vision unborrowed, and the response they received—hatred. The great creators—the thinkers, the artists, the scientists, the inventors—stood alone against the men of their time. Every great new thought was opposed. Every great new invention was denounced. The first motor was considered foolish. The first airplane was considered impossible. The power loom was considered vicious. Anesthesia was considered sinful. But the men of unborrowed vision went ahead. They fought, they suffered and they paid. But they won.”

The Fountainhead

Sok Puppette February 13, 2019 10:15 AM

@Bruce Schneir:

I understand what you’re saying about low-trust areas of the world. What people do in those areas is move to a more stable, foreign, currency if at all possible. Cryptocurrency isn’t going to be a better option in those areas.

I gave two examples: a female Saudi teenager and a person fleeing ethnic persecution. Foreign currencies aren’t practically available to either one. What you suggest is not really at all possible for them, and it’s unfair to ignore that fact.

And, just to be clear, my point has nothing at all to do with the stability of the currency’s value. I’m not interested in that gold-bug nonsense. It’s about the accessibility of the currency and the ability to actually use it for something, even when your local institutions have actively turned against you, personally.

My examples can’t get bank accounts, or probably even prepaid credit cards, in foreign currency. That idea is just a non-starter. The only way to do something like that is to go through institutions that won’t permit it. Their local institutions won’t permit it because they’re part of the apparatus of their oppression. For other possible examples, there may not even be any functioning local institutions. And foreign institutions won’t permit it because they’re crippled by ever-tightening AML/KYC rules put in place by people with, um, undue faith in the infallibility of institutions.

OK, yes, they could probably get their hands on, say, US dollars in paper form. At least up to a few thousand dollars. At least until those guardians of institutional power manage to eliminate paper cash entirely.

They’d have to navigate a bit of the underworld to get the paper, and they’d probably get a rotten exchange rate, but in fairness both are also true for getting cryptocurrency.

Once they get that foreign paper money, they can transact with people they can physically meet. So, admittedly, they could use it to, say, pay a bribe. For that matter, they could also use local paper money for that. Or gold jewelry, for that matter.

But that paper currency is dangerous to possess. It’s hard to hide, it’s hard to explain, it’s easy to lose, and it’s easy to steal. Carrying a lot of mony as paper (or gold, or whatever) is far, far riskier than even the most slapdash crypto key management.

If you’re a 19 year old Saudi girl, and your father finds that paper, he will literally lock you up, and very possibly beat you as well. If you’re anybody with real worries, and the “authorities” find that paper, they will at a minimum confiscate it, and probably lock you up too.

Paper is also hard to use. It only works in person. You can’t use paper money to line up somebody to pick you up on the other side of a border. You can’t use it to buy a ticket on a more “legitimate” transportation system on the other side of the border either. You can’t use it to guarantee a hotel reservation. You have less chance of using paper currency to pay for a fake passport than of using cryptocurrency to pay for one online… and the transaction is more dangerous in person.

… and the quantity you can get or manage is limited. If you’re an established person being dispossessed, as opposed to a 19-year-old trying to scrape together enough money to get out at all, then you can’t use paper to move enough of your net worth to help you set up in your new home.

Assuming it were to catch on, you could use cryptocurrency for those things. If your institutions have actively turned against you, it’s a far, far superior choice to foreign currency.

Rhizome February 13, 2019 11:30 AM

Yes, but…

It’s far from all being limited to just Bitcoin and/or Ethereum or even simply ‘blockchain’.

I think Ceptr/Holochain (which is not a blockchain and does not have a notion of network wide consensus, i.e. is something entirely different in its aims, assumptions and purpose) is fascinating and could possibly bring about the conditions and circumstances that make possible a whole range of ways to organize, coordinate and problem-solve at scale.

IOTA and its so-called tangle, a DAG-valued stochastic process serving as the ledger/data transport layer is also really interesting and bringing together a lot of concepts and technologies that go way beyond blockchains and cryptocurrencies.

I agree with what you say, it’s a much needed antidote to all the hype and marketing pixie dust buzzwordery surrounding it (among other things less desirable and not as benign), but would be really interested to know what you think about these other undertakings and their angles, if you happen to have looked at them in more detail.

MarkH February 13, 2019 1:33 PM

Thanks to Bruce, for thoroughly (and strongly) countering the claims made for so-called “cryptocurrency”.

I understand the idealism that motivates the evangelists. The powerful waves of theory often atomize into spray when they meet the rocky shores of reality … and then passion displaces fact and reason.

As Bruce and his professional colleagues well know, anyone proposing a new cryptographic tool or system must answer, “what can this do that can’t be done with comparable efficiency by what we already know?”

BitCoin is wonderfully handy for crime facilitation, no doubt.

Clive Boulton February 13, 2019 1:50 PM

Don’t throw the bitcoin baby out with the insecurity bathwater.

As Facebook (Cambridge Analytica) and many other data breaches have shown it is extremely difficult to conduct modern businesses with shared data by building systems with current software development practises. Solving computer insecurity by strengthening the ecosystem and providing economic incentives to do so – I posit was the point of ‘Satoshi Nakamoto’s’ whitepaper. From the lessons learned we can now develop private blockchains such as Hyperledger and backfit many currently insecure systems especially in the modern web ecosystem. More so as AGI is used to discover new security discontinues, after all we need the same focus to improve computer system security that Alan Turing used to crack the Enigma code.

phillipsjk February 13, 2019 7:35 PM

re: your reply to Tobi:

“The thing is, they basically do none of those things. It’s all fairy stories.”

Are you confusing the dominant coin with Blockchains in general?

High fees are now an explicit goal of the Bitcoin Core developers. The idea is that high fees are eventually needed to pay for the network. There is also a view that everybody should run their own node: which is obviously not going to happen.

BItcoin Cash, which forked off in 2017, takes the view that fees should be as low as technology allows. The idea is that miners will make money by processing a high volume of transactions. Mobile uses still get high assurances that their payments were accepted by the network though Simplified payment verification.

The fork I mention preserves the micropayment use-case: which you claim is a fantasy. When I estimated the marginal transaction costs, I came up with a figure of around 3 cents: assuming 1000 nodes replicating the transactions world-wide. Such low fees are possible, despite the inherent inefficiency of the network, because transaction verification is fully automated.

Rach El February 13, 2019 11:56 PM


“At this point I take the disproportionate avalanche of criticism of blockchain as an indication that it makes the powers to be very uncomfortable and therefore it is on the right track. ”

You are an intelligent and reasonable person, this much is clear from your posts so far. There is nonetheless a considerable leap in the above sentence.

1.. ‘ Criticism of blockhain..’ – this is occurring and it is warranted.
2. ‘powers that be are uncomfortable’ may be yes, may be no, but this is not necessarily related to the fact of the criticism and
3.’ Is therefore on the right track..’ – this is a huge extrapolation

Point taken about people being critical of something just because it’s new.
But, what you call disproportionate should therefore have a clarifying, refining effect, like rubbing alcohol burning away the dross leaving a pure produt. Like founders of a new start up seeking capital. They have their idea torn down in every conceivable fashion. When they continue to justify their work and overcome that barrage, they prove their worth

There are plenty of new ideas that are just outright hazourdous and absurd and don’t deserve to subsist. If blockchain/bitcoin is not one of them as you say, then it will survive the criticism. Won’t it?

And, sorry, but plenty of the arguments against blockchain just simply don’t have a convincing, if any, rebuttal. The flaws are there and they are yet to be rationalised or explained away.

Another bug [cough] feature of blockchain is how exlusive and elitist it is. It is most certainly not widely distributed. Some animals are more equal than others

Someone made a good point about the error in a hard fork. Ethereum hard forking
voided any contract, by definition, and is proof of how ridiculous they are .
‘We’ll just make shit up as we go along’

And I’ll close with the 10 Maxims of Commercial Law, which must be included in any discussion of blockchain technology laying claim to commerce. This is one of the more accesible versions of the maxim, ignore the biblical quotes they are not relevant however they do hold in a court room, so there’s that

Faustus February 14, 2019 8:16 AM

@ Rach El

As I have said, I am pretty much over this. I have no problems with constructive criticism. That is what cryptocurrencies are doing right now to improve themselves. It is dishonest criticism, bought and paid for by the status quo, that absurdly claims that, unlike every other new technology, crypto must work perfectly out of the gate, with the intention of suppressing it, that bothers me.

There is no argument against the blockchain that does not have a response. Bitcoin has worked from the beginning and continues to work. That, by itself, is a comprehensive rebuttal.

People mix up the cryptocurrencies to try to tar all of the them with the weakest one. I am talking particularly about bitcoin in this discussion because it is the oldest and most successful. Bitcoin’s policy is to avoid hard forks. Other currencies, like Ethereum, are more open to using hard forks to manage the blockchain. But the hard fork is part of all the specs and it has its role.

Should crypto be improved? Yes. Can it be? Yes. Like every other piece of technology it has this property.

Your maxims of business are slightly upgraded “Maxims of the Playground”.

My maxim – this is a general policy, not a statement directed at you – is “Mind your own business”

There are the people that create things and everyone else. I’ve got work to do.

andrea February 14, 2019 8:54 AM

Sorry in advance for my rude language.

IMHO immutability is really a bad security policy, above all when shit happens

…And trust me it isn’t a question if it will happen, but it is just a question of time, that is: when it will happen.

Faustus February 14, 2019 9:05 AM

@ Rach El

The “elitest” thing stuck in my head. You realize that you can just download the daemon and join the bitcoin network. Anybody can. All you need is a PC and an internet connection.

Bitcoin is particularly used in areas of the world that are poor and in turmoil, where people don’t trust their local currency.

To buy bitcoin, if you don’t know a seller personally you open an account at an exchange, with the usual “Know Your Customer” procedure that banks apply.

The only thing that might prevent you is that your bank may close your account if you involve yourself in bitcoin. Denying you banking to protect you? Or to protect themselves? If it is to protect you, why not protect you against even more speculative investments, like derivatives? Could it be because they make money selling you derivatives? Do you really think that your bank holds your interest above its own?

Or you could mine bitcoin, but that requires special equipment to do competitively these days. Monero is another coin that can be mined with CPU or GPU so that allows easier entry. Or you could plop down $1000 or so for a specialized bitcoin miner. Anybody can mine.

That fact that everybody doesn’t use bitcoin reflects that it is complex and most people don’t need it or want it, not that they are not welcome in the bitcoin world.

Faustus February 14, 2019 9:13 AM

@ andrea

It appears that you don’t understand immutability. It means that the record of transactions doesn’t change. It doesn’t mean errors cannot be corrected. They are corrected by adding a new transaction that offsets the incorrect one. That way you have a true record of what happened.

This is the way all accounting systems work. Think of your bank statement. When there is a mistake it does not disappear. A new entry is made that reverses the error. This is essential to security, otherwise people could change balances and past transactions and leave no trace.

andrea February 14, 2019 9:39 AM


I am pretty aware of what immutability means, it changes its meaning based on the context in what you are talking about.

Naturally if the context is traditional banking and currencies systems I could mostly agree with you.

Unfortunately it seams to me that you don’t understand the context in which we are talking about: if we are talking about Bitcoins transactions, immutability means that you can not reverse a transaction.

Modern banking, for example, is designed to be reversible. Bitcoin is not.

Steve Wozniak was scammed out of $70K.

c1ue February 14, 2019 9:47 AM

I would add one additional note: There is a huge technological threat to blockchain in the form of quantum computing.
Should quantum computing achieve a scale which can attack the blockchain encryption methodology, there will immediately ensue a race between “good” and “bad” blockchain users to see who can decode and rewrite the entire existing blockchain, first.

Faustus February 14, 2019 10:20 AM

@ andrea

In the context of bitcoin, the non-reversibility of a transaction is an intended feature, so that people can transact without interference of third parties. The owner of an account is defined as whoever has the private key. This system works as intended.

This results in a system in which one has to carefully protect one’s private keys. Yes, personal responsibility. Out of fashion, but the breakfast of champions.

Certainly, the features of bitcoin make it inappropriate in many situations. Escrow can be added to provide some protection, but generally it works best in situations where parties have external motivation (often reputation) to fulfill transactions fairly. And where they understand that knowledge of the private keys is equivalent to ownership of the money.

It is unwise to regard bitcoin as anything more than an experiment, or a tool for specific situations. It is not appropriate for all transactions, but that does not make inappropriate for all.

People have a right to explore options and not be shut down by the entrenched interests of the current system. And you have a right not to use bitcoin if it doesn’t serve you.

Bitcon Supporter February 14, 2019 10:41 AM

JP Morgan Chase gets in on the block-chain action.

In a first for a major US bank, JPMorgan said on Thursday it would launch a cryptocurrency tied to the US dollar.
The bank said the coin, called the “JPM Coin” is intended to “make instantaneous payments using blockchain technology.”
JPMorgan’s chief executive officer, Jamie Dimon, said in late 2017 that bitcoin, the largest cryptocurrency, was a “fraud.” He later regretted the comments.

BusinessInsider link, Rebecca Ungarino, Feb. 14, 2019, 09:27 AM

vas pup February 14, 2019 3:01 PM

This new research basically provide scientific explanation why interrogation in native language is more fruitful rather than usage of interpreter/translator human or software application:

The language of conversation impacts on the ‘synchronization’ of our brains:
“Following a script, the pairs engaged in a general conversation alternating their native language with a foreign language. Using electroencephalography (EEG) — a non-invasive test that analyzes the electrical activity of the brain — scientists measured the activity of brain waves simultaneously.

“We have seen how the alignment of brain waves occurs differently when the conversation takes place in a native language or in a foreign language. This study has allowed us to move forward and show that brain synchrony depends on the linguistic context,” Pérez explained”

Moreover, IC community and/or counterintelligence units of LEAs could utilize this technique to find out what is REAL native language of suspect versus claimed (‘Americans’). The only trouble is with folks from Singapore: they have both English and Chinese as native language.

I guess authors should claim grant from IARPA on their research.

In people I DO NOT trust February 15, 2019 2:54 AM

You seem to at least acknowledge that cryptocurrencies provide financial privacy with the statement:

“Honestly, cryptocurrencies are useless. They’re only used by speculators looking for quick riches, people who don’t like government-backed currencies, and criminals who want a black-market way to exchange money.”

So, are you actually saying that you consider financial privacy “useless?” Or, that only “criminals” would seek to not have their financial information caught by government dragnet surveillance?

If so, I beg to differ. Privacy is not “useless;” it is a basic human right and a necessity for freedom.

This article has me completely flabbergasted.

phillipsjk February 15, 2019 1:17 PM

@ c1ue

If you can avoid address re-use, it is possible to send coins without revealing the public key of the recipient. The transaction hash matches an arbitrary number of public keys. It is not something quantum computing can reverse easily.

If quantum computing is routinely reversing public key crytography, cryto-currency may actually be less severely effected than the traditional banking system, which relies on those techniques for website authentication.

phillipsjk February 15, 2019 1:35 PM

Correction: Should had said “address hash”, not “transaction hash” in the above comment. (Even used ‘preview’)

The pigeonhole principle may also reduce the number of possibilities to a few (equally valid) candidates. My understanding is that quantum computing is not really able to reverse most hash functions though.

Jörn Franke February 15, 2019 6:15 PM

I think your arguments are valid with respect to blockchain, but similar to other people commenting here, I believe that this perspective is a little bit narrow.

Yes, Bitcoin and other blockchains are not the most efficient at the moment and they have other issues, but they show a remarkable process and engineering skills behind them that shows great potential to move them to another level.

About trust in software: Don’t we trust the open and closed source code that it implements correctly security? Don’t we trust in major browser and operating system vendors that they put the correct root certificate in the list? That they do not remove root certificates, because they are created by a competitor?

Is the web of trust not a similar system as blockchain? Why is email encryption still a complex hazzle? etc. etc.

In the end, it is not so easy to say. I guess we should wait the next 10 years and then do a review of blockchain. It could turn out that some parts will be valuable in different context and they have been developed because of blockchain. It could be also that an international public blockchain can somehow work, if it is transparent (including the ecosystem and known centralization tendencies in form of software development team, software distribution, transaction validators and miners, if they are still needed).
Even if it all might turn out to be not useful, people working on this topic gained highly demanded skills in distributed systems in a complex setting. That will help them when working on other distributed applications for sure.

The good thing now is that the hype is going away so people can work on real stuff related to blockchain.

Wael February 15, 2019 7:45 PM

Many of the blockchain solutions leverage the buzzword and could be implemented more efficiently with a database. The concept itself isn’t that new; TPMs use similar structures in “extend operations”.

I don’t doubt there are legitimate reasons to use blockchain, and some are in usage today.

My experience with blockchains is not pretty — I lost my investment and got hard forked, so to speak. I won’t be able to retire in my lifetime.

wumpus February 16, 2019 1:44 PM

@Denton @Bruce
“Take banking, for example. Financial institutions, merchants, and individuals are all concerned with their reputations, which prevents theft and fraud.”

Is that really what you meant to say? That bankers’ concern with their reputations actually prevents theft and fraud?

Oddly enough, Machiavelli spends a good chunk of “The Prince” pointing out how people seemed to trust Princes regardless of how many times they abused this trust (and apparently ignoring Psalm 146:3-5 ‘Do not put your trust in Princes’) and suggesting that a Prince should be much more eager to similarly take advantage of this trust.

Some banks seem to be taking Machiavelli’s words to heart.

“These believes are found in the Bay Area, where social problems are supposedly “solved” with new technology. But it is also found in the USA’s legal system, which tries to remove human judgement with a barrage of prescriptive, automatic laws, read “The death of common sense” by Philip K. Howard.

Blockchain is simply the latest religion that comes out of these believes.”

One issue with “human judgment” is that it requires a ton of axioms to deal with social situations (the issues for laws and business transactions). One culture’s “common sense” is another culture’s crime. Dotting the “i”s and crossing the “t”s legally makes it possible for people unaware of each others’ culture to deal with transactions without lengthy negotiations.

@Bruce @Ismar
“Where does this leave technologies like digital signatures which to the best of my knowledge are legally binding at least in the USA ?”

I’m not sure what you’re asking. Or, at least, why you think blockchain and those Docusign things are in any way comparable. The reason Docusign — and all of those fake Internet signature technologies — work is because signing isn’t what most people think it is. It is more about the ritual of signing than any unforgability property.
I have to admit this was a huge surprise for me when “digital signatures” became legally binding. Perhaps you (and the rest of the crypto community) should have called them “sigils” or similar, as signatures really never were about avoiding forgery.

@ phillipsjk
re: your reply to Tobi:
“The thing is, they basically do none of those things. It’s all fairy stories.”
Are you confusing the dominant coin with Blockchains in general?
…I came up with a figure of around 3 cents…

Any single-ledger blockchain (like Bitcoin) will run up against Bitcoin’s current issue, that global updates occur slowly, and all the updates have to be on the “winning” hash. Some sort of “blockfabric” may alleviate that, but it will take a lot of updates to get such a thing working.

” Tactic one: ignore that it is a work in progress. “Of course cars will never work. It is incredibly inefficient to carry a massive steam boiler around. QED!” Tactic two: ignore any counter arguments and just keep repeating the same thing.”

The issue with cryptocurrency being a work in progress is that you run into Bruce’s “debugging vs. security issues”. A car can be debugged, and produced (occasionally requiring recalls thanks to defects unnoticed in testing or not the same as the tested car). A cryptosystem requires checking the math to debug it. Getting the security right. Getting people to trust the system (of which the security is only part of the issue). Getting people to use the system. And only then determining if it scales better than Bitcoin (which appear to scale well past it’s designed in limits).

I don’t expect a functional cryptocurrency anytime soon.

A Nonny Bunny February 16, 2019 3:47 PM


Bitcoin is the best, most sound money humanity has EVER seen

Have you converted all your life savings to bitcoin? Would you?

Cause I for one prefer currency that doesn’t fluctuate wildly and unpredictably. Sure, it’s great if your life savings doubled in value in a year, but not so much when it goes the other way. Bitcoin’s dollar-value is now down more than 80% since it’s peak slightly over a year ago. And still going down.

Money is a promise. It is worth only as much as the trust one has in those that make the promise and those that back it. That’s why the Venezuelan bolívar is no longer worth the paper it’s printed on: no one trusts the Venezuelan government and institutions anymore.

As for bitcoin, no one of any consequence backs it. It’s nothing more than empty promises that vanish into the wind. Therefore it is decidedly unsound as money.

Erdem Memisyazici February 17, 2019 4:32 AM

From the SHA-256 article:

It’s a one-way function meaning that the same input always returns the same output and you can’t reverse engineer the input.

Fair enough…

Importantly, no two inputs will return the same output so every output is unique.


Buzlaighe February 18, 2019 8:14 AM

Dear Schneier,

I would really appreciate if you could provide more details for the following points:

1) you defined the “public blockchains” as those providing i) “a distributed (as in multiple copies) but centralized (as in there’s only one) ledger”, ii) “the consensus algorithm, which is a way to ensure all the copies of the ledger are the same” and iii) “the currency as a necessary element of a blockchain to align the incentives of everyone involved”. Then you defined “private chains as those that use the blockchain data structure but don’t have the above three elements”.

The first question on this point is, if what you called private blockchains do not have point (i), what do you mean by “use the blockchain data structure”? What kind of data structure are you referring to if it is not the ledger? The second question is, if “private blockchains” do not have the above three elements, how do you call those solutions (such as Hyperledger) that use (or used initially) protocols such as BFT, P-BFT etc?

2) You said that consensus protocols, “which have been studied in distributed systems for more than 60 years” (I think it should be at max 40 since Lamport published his logical clocks work in 1978), as well as append-only data structures “are blockchains in name only, and — as far as I can tell — the only reason to operate one is to ride on the blockchain hype”. So the question is, are you saying that state machine replication systems as a whole domain is useless and that we should all fall back to mainframes?

3) Although I share with you that “blockchain is about shifting some of the trust in people and institutions to trust in technology”, I do not believe that “you need to trust them absolutely, because they’re often single points of failure”. Indeed, what I think blockchain technology is doing (in its many forms) is trying to enhance the byzantine fault-tolerant systems domain in which the trust in cryptography, protocols, software, computers and networks is not taken for granted.

I hope you’ll find some time to reply
My best

Flavio Castro February 18, 2019 4:59 PM

Nice article. Reasonable skepticism is always good

Crypto currencies are undoubtedly a way to escape from government-backed currencies. Understand that although people born and raised in developed countries don’t know how good they have it by never having to care about government abuse of power. Some people need to live through hyper inflation scenarios.

That said, I urge you to travel to Venezuela and tell them cryptocurrencies are useless.

CB February 20, 2019 11:10 AM

Many people here advocate cryptocurrencies as a mean to help people under government duress. But cryptocurrencies need a reliable and secure access to the Internet.

If you’re under government duress you don’t have that secure access.

A block-chain doesn’t allow you to cancel a transaction by writing a negative transaction of the same amount. Each transaction comes with a fee. Writing two transactions to the blockchain means you pay two fees. So the overall result is not identical to a cancellation of the initial transaction. The miners keep the fee for the bad transaction they validated and ask for another fee to validate the money-back transaction. With standard banking a wrong transaction is fully cancelled to the last cent and you get all your money back, plus it’s considered to have never left your account so it still generates interests on the period between error and correction.

George February 25, 2019 2:41 AM

This is presumably what they said about “government” or “bank” issued notes when they were handed out to replace silver and gold nuggets.

George February 25, 2019 3:01 AM

@Jim Willeke wrote,

Are you implying that people have enough expertise to audit the “human legal system” more than “some computer code”?

This could be a multi trillion dollar question. Maintaining a healthy government-bonds backed currency, isn’t exactly efficient, nor is it without “waste.”

As you pointed out, the human legal system is also bound by the same type of Trust issues as Mr. Schneier puts it

There’s always a need to override the rules, and there’s always a need for the ability to make permanent rules changes. As long as hard forks are a possibility — that’s when the people in charge of a blockchain step outside the system to change it — people will need to be in charge.

When they minted the U.S. dollar, they did get it right as far as putting it “in god we trust”

Bilgin Ibryam March 22, 2019 12:51 PM

Given enough time, reputation in any single system is bound to fail.

Blockchain improves trust by decentralizing it (as much as possible today). Decentralization is important for some people more than others.

Since there is no absolute decentralization, any centralized element in the blockchain is a potential attack vector for its reputation.

Decentralization itself can also be a drawback and limitation, but that is different concern.

Anura March 22, 2019 1:18 PM

@Bilgin Ibryam

Blockchain is centralized trust on decentralized storage, web of trust is decentralized trust. The point of blockchain is that you trust the system instead of the people, and the point of web of trust is you, personally, decide who you can trust. Web of trust is much more robust, as you can’t ever attack the whole system.

Ludovic April 23, 2019 2:14 PM

I think one of the big things that people miss about the whole blockchain movement is it’s a hell of a story. It’s a story that, although mostly uninformed, allows people to feel like they are part of something. It’s uniting and it doesn’t necessarily have to ever work or even be based on evidence.

Just go to Reddit and look at some of the commentary about crypto.

Clive Robinson April 24, 2019 5:35 PM

@ dbjdbj,

The problem is Marketing.

I prefer to call it “hype” or “hyperbole” depending on who the audiance is. But where con artists are concerned they call that sort of marketing “telling the tale”.

There is an old saying that “You can not con an honest man” and so far those who were shall we say cautious in their outlook have not been shown to be wrong with regards the blockchain. Whilst that is not true for most of those who were as you suggest “marketing” the idea.

Whilst there are uses for which the blockchain is usefull they are few and far between, and mostly not that usefull for various reasons.

Oliver T June 17, 2019 4:02 AM

Clive Robinson has it exactly right:
“Whilst there are uses for which the blockchain is usefull they are few and far between, and mostly not that usefull for various reasons.”

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BJ Y January 15, 2020 8:39 AM

Dear Mr. Schineier,

As a reader of Cryptogram for over 10 years, I must first start with how grateful I am for sharing your knowledge with us. Much of my knowledge about cryptography and security was formed by you.

Yet as someone also with economics background, I think there is something you’ve missed on this essay which others haven’t touched upon enough.

Bitcoin, and other public blockchains (with their cryptocurrencies) add ‘diversification’ benefit. Modern portfolio theory tells us that you can decompose your portfolio return roughly into 3 components: return, variance(uncertainty), and correlation. Cryptocurrencies are empirically known to have close to zero correlation with traditional asset, and this fact can help drive your total portfolio return to the north thanks to the non-correlatedness. This in itself is quite valuable to investors.

Of course you may dismiss this uncorrelatedness and its utility as stemming from temporary mania. Notwithstanding the fact that Bitcoin phenomenon is around 12 years old now, which is quite a long time for the market to remain foolish[a], there is also Arrow-Debreu model which may help explain the rise of Bitcoin.

The model basically tells us that with enough Arrow securities – which pays 1 unit in a specific state of the world and none in other states – the market is ‘complete’, which means there are at least as many Arrow securities as there are possible states, and you can reach some equilibrium, that is, you don’t have any more need to trade (in order to improve your utility – roughly meaning happiness. So you are as happy as you can be in one of these equilibriums.)

You apparently see no need for Bitcoin (and other cryptocurrencies/blockchains.) But I object, as they seem to add new Arrow securies (ways to satisfy needs) to our world. You can sell surplus electricity worldwide via Bitcoin and this wasn’t really possible before. It can also serve people who don’t like government, and those who want to trade in black market, as you’ve already mentioned.[b]
For Bitcoin (and other cryptos) to be worthless, the number of additional states of the world introduced by Bitcoin should be greater than the number of additional Arrow securities from the introduction. But I don’t see how this applies to Bitcoin since it is mostly just another way of accomplishing the same thing that should’ve been able to be accomplished by traditional methods. The concept of money, which is what public blockchains are, is not that new.[c] It’s not like we just found the recipe to atomic bomb, a way to create bigger than ever explosion unlike before – we just learned recipe for TNT, but with different chemical process. That’s the way I feel about Bitcoin and other public blockchain. And just having the option of switching recipe is valuable in itself, since anything that can happen can happen no matter how remote the possibility and having a backup plan for the unlikely event is a good thing.

To put things into perspective, Madoff took about 10~20 years to finally get caught since suspicions were raised for the first time; Enron, about 10 years. In these cases, insiders with information advantage actively tried to fool the market but ultimately failed, unlike Bitcoin.

Often the concept of black market is associated with something undesirable but this isn’t necessarily the case. Black market just means the market is illegal and there are many silly laws around the world, like ban on alcohol, games, buying foreign currency, changing residence, practicing religion, and more.

The cost of printing a bill is just a small fraction of face value, and money is created by lending and borrowing. Money is as valuable as it is because we trust in its value – we believe a dollar bill can be exchanged to a dollar’s worth of goods in the future, regardless of the cost of making it. Since everything’s value ultimately depend on what value we attach to them this scheme works until it doesn’t. (like printing unlimited amount of money during war, for example.)

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Sayontan Ghosh April 7, 2020 4:16 AM

Hello Bruce, a great article and thank you for that. However, I do disagree with you on several points. Though there are disadvantages of blockchain, however, it does not mean the technology is useless. Limitations exist in all technologies, and it would be wrong to disregard a technology which has given rise to several important projects such as Hyperledger.

Secondly, about trusting blockchain technology, is there a better technology that you can trust? A technology that offers the same benefits that blockchain does, right from having a Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT), providing transparency and security? If there is a better solution, I am pretty sure that organizations would adopt it rather than adopting blockchain technology.

Lastly, blockchain technology does provide security. Whether, we are talking about secure payments, or cyber security, it is one of the most sophisticated and advanced solutions we have till date. Yes, the technology does offer few challenges, but it is the same with every technology.

With that, I rest my case. Thank you.

1&1~=Umm April 7, 2020 7:39 AM

@ Sayontan Ghosh,

Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT), providing transparency and security?

Define what “subset” of security you mean. The main “trust mechanism” of a blockchain is founded on mutual distrust thus public transactions such that non repudiation can be ensured.

Many people would not regard the public nature of that “trust mechanism” as “security” and certainly not as it removes “privacy” which is a legal requirment in oh so many ways. Also on reflection many consider the very limited advantages of the blockchain not worth the energy requirments for that some what dubious “trust mechanism”.

Jeremy Smith July 7, 2020 6:26 PM

The initial stabilization notwithstanding, I trust the blockchain technology to keep the value of Bitcoin stable versus the USD whose value is constantly manipulated by printing money among many other things.

IMHO, the power of the blockchain in the case of cryptocurrency is more about cutting the useless middlemen out of the equation since all they do is grab as big of a piece of the pie as they can while providing little to nothing of value in return. Every middleman is another point of trust, and thus another point of weakness and inevitable corruption in the system. Technology has made them obsolete, finally.

Denton Scratch November 18, 2020 10:09 AM

@Jörn Franke:

“Is the web of trust not a similar system as blockchain? Why is email encryption still a complex hazzle? etc. etc.”

No. The web of trust depends on human certification, using official government identity documents.

The reason email security is difficult is because the way email was designed didn’t anticipate the need for fraud prevention. It’s one of the oldest protocols on the internet, and it shows. It’s a store-and-forward system, which means that the sender cannot establish privacy properties with the recipient online before sending. Establish GPG keys first, via a backchannel.

Elena Bennet December 10, 2020 3:52 AM

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Ben Manning April 8, 2021 8:03 AM

Just look at BCCI
If a crypto currency becomes the haven of illicit funds, it’s technological shield will be cracked open at one of its several central points, and it’s public ledger will be an open book.

Jeff April 8, 2021 2:18 PM

I broadly agree of course, but.. I’ll add that Bitcoin is environmentally disastrous and now obsolete from the perspective of crypto-currency technology.

All that said, Bitcoin never experienced overnight success, but instead grew and grew is spurts associated with government debacles that destroyed trust in governments.
– Bitcoin was created partially in response to governments bailing out financial institutions. And Bitcoin grew every time governments repeated this mistake.
– Silkroad worked and brought users to bitcoin because governments criminalized harmless behavior which should be constitutionally protected.
– And government stupidity only accelerated.
– At some point Chinese began avoiding China’s currency controls using Bitcoin, and then it took off like a rocket.

And now somewhat respectable privacy projects seek funding by backing the “pump and dump” scams of Binance.

We’re far beyond placing this genie back into the bottle, but if our leaders acted more responsibly would clearly reduce uptake. We’ve even less chance of them doing so than of them averting +2 C runaway global warming though.

In this vein, there exists a semi-realistic policy of taxing holders of bitcoin, ethereum, and other proof-of-work scheme for all the externalities that mining causes, ala ASIC production and wasted power. This would tank the bitcoin and ethereum prices, along with all other crypto currencies.

There exist many proof-of-stake mono-chains and a few sharded proof-of-stake coins, like cosmos and polkadot. All these avoid the energy waste, so they’d continue developing the underlying technology, albeit with less funding.

It’s even plausible this proof-of-work tax could help the proof-of-stake coins focus upon more useful directions.

Joe April 10, 2021 8:34 AM


Cryptocurrencies are not useless. They are functional money. You can pay with them.

They give a bank account to billions of unbanked people.

Billions? This is just unsubstantiated nonsense. You need an account with a corporation (such as Coinbase, Square Cash, etc) that will ask you to provide documentation that proves your identity and your physical address.

And in order to actually purchase coins from these corporations, you need to tie a bank account to the account such a corporation gives you. Some of them allow you to wire cash to them using e.g. Western Union but that is only marginally safer than wiring cash to some car seller on Craigslist.

They are a way for companies to save credit card fees which are 1-3%.

According to the current average processing fee on BTC transactions is USD 19.24. The site provides a lower average fee of USD 15.34 if you want the transaction processed within next 10 minutes. But either way, BTC processing is not free nor particularly inexpensive.

Chris Drake April 15, 2021 6:51 AM

Cryptocurrencies power the bulk of all fraud now. No KYC or identification problems. No AML questions. No risk of 3rd parties seizing your coin. Good anonymity for anyone who cares (lets face it – every criminal uses VPN’s now). Even the official law in my country does not require KYC or AML compliance for exchanges unless the customer moves cash in or out – which never happens when crime collects from victims or pays out to supplies these days…

There’s a one-word reason why the price keeps going up so fast: crime.

Daniel April 16, 2021 5:25 AM

The main reason behind the need for blockchain is not to eliminate trust, but to bring transparency and responsibility into the existing systems. People are enthusiast about blockchain because they had enough of the existing systems. You don’t have to be super smart to understand how uncontrolled creation of money affects our economy. Centralized and hidden financial decisions create opportunities for different kinds of fraud and crime, however we tend not calling it crime when it is done by official institutions and authorities. People are enthusiast of blockchain because it promises to change the status quo, not because it is flawless.

Matthias Urlichs June 11, 2021 7:20 AM

@Jeremy Smith Do you have any idea how much fake money has been pumped into the crypto market to hyper-inflate the Bitcoin price? No? Then I suggest you read up about Tether, who still maintain that they’re backed with real $$$s despite every evidence to the contrary. Cf.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but compared to what’s been happening with Bitcoin these last years the real-world USD is a rock solid currency.

Matthias Urlichs June 11, 2021 7:33 AM

@daniel Yeah, we see how well that works. Not.

There are a couple of criteria for deciding whether a financial system is reasonable. Stability is one of them, and the current crypto ecosystem fails spectacularly at that. See recent BTC price fluctuations. See previous comment. What happens when the Tether ponzi scheme tumbles is anybody’s guess.

Some reasonable way to force somebody else to give me money they owe me is another cornerstone that’s pretty much required, and the current crypto ecosystem is 100% unable to do that. You steal my coins? Or fail to pay for my work / child support / taxes? no court in the world is going to be able to take these coins away from you if you don’t want them to. Then what?

These days, not eating a whole lot of power that could otherwise be used for something useful has emerged as another important requirement, and Bitcoin fails spectacularly at it. At least ETH will switch to a more sensible algorithm … sometime soon(ish), they’re not there yet. BTC on the other hand won’t, too many miners have too much vested interest, i.e. their existing mining hardware rigs, which would suddenly become so many bricks. That’s he kind of stability the world needs a whole lot less of.

Rick Sanchez June 16, 2021 3:36 PM

Bitcoin is a form of electronic cash that doesn’t require any form of centralized trust.

Everybody I personally know, knows about bitcoin, how to get bitcoins, and I can trade bitcoins for money, goods, and services with them via transfers on our cell phones. And yet, the entire bitcoin network doesn’t have a single centralized source of trust.


Shneor June 20, 2021 12:52 AM

If the FBI can track and recover a ransomeware payment in Bitcoin, so can anyone else who is smart enough. Security? No, just misplaced trust.

Stuart Cantor August 8, 2021 2:31 PM

This is fascinating for a newcomer to blockchain tech. It certainly seems promising as a verification tool for all sorts of fakable data such as documents, photos, videos. The currency aspect just seems sketchy as hell. But the Hyperledger project, for example, seems to me, to indicate theres actual, serious promise for verifying, not necessarily trusting. “Is this real?” will be a more important question than “is this true?”

Muhammad Imran November 3, 2021 5:05 AM

What trust issue? Bitcoin’s code and its dependencies are open for anyone to read. If the code has a bug that causes me to lose money it’s my own fault for missing it.

MaxHype January 13, 2022 5:04 AM

“If you don’t believe it or don’t get it, I don’t have the time to try to convince you, sorry.” — Satoshi Nakamoto

Just as Michelin makes tyres and not cars, you should return to your crypto algos, TRUST me

Clive Robinson January 13, 2022 5:25 AM

@ MaxHype,

Just as Michelin makes tyres and not cars, you should return to your crypto algos, TRUST me

Err no not a chance, can you prove you are not a shill?

Likewise I’ve no reason to trust some entitie(s?) that call themselves “Satoshi Nakamoto”.

Because at the end of the day the block chain and all that gets built around it are just “technology”.

The thing is we live in a society and all that involves including psychopaths at the top of hierarchies.

One thing that history keeps teaching us is that as a general rule of thumb,

“You can not use technology to solve societal issues”.

Not least because those in power can criminalise the use of any given technology at whim simply by putting a signature on the bottom of a piece of paper (and that already has happened with crypto-coin in China).

Not understanding that basic fact can lead to a whole world of hurt.

MaxHype January 13, 2022 6:04 AM

@Clive Robinson

“You can not use technology to solve societal issues”.
Not least because those in power can criminalise the use of any given technology at
whim simply by putting a signature on the bottom of a piece of paper (and that
already has happened with crypto-coin in China).

So we should remain at barter under dictatorship? 🙂

Winter January 13, 2022 6:13 AM

“So we should remain at barter under dictatorship?”

Things can be impossible even though you do really want to do them. Your intentions do not count, reality does.

Clive Robinson January 13, 2022 6:14 AM

@ MaxHype,

So we should remain at barter under dictatorship?

Try removing the hype / assumptions from your assertions, otherwise reasoned discourse will not be possible.

MaxHype January 13, 2022 6:31 AM

@Clive Robinson

Do you ask removing the hype to MaxHype?? 😀

As you shifted the debate to socio-politics themes, sincerely I’m not interested to continue a reasoned discourse

Clive Robinson January 13, 2022 7:50 AM

@ MaxHype,

As you shifted the debate to socio-politics themes

No I simply pointed out the reality of life. Which is no matter how perfect or wonderful a technical system is, it’s always subject to legislation and regulation. Failing to realise that can turn you into a criminal and a whole world of hurt.

But, with regards

Do you ask removing the hype…

You are trying to hide the fact that your,

So we should remain at barter under dictatorship?

Is incorrect and chosen by you to “hype” up and conflate.

The facts are,

1, Barter, whilst not the primary exchange for “work” is flourishing “tax free” all over the world currently and with no specific regulation involved.

2, Dictatorship, whilst many claim we live in a dictatorship, the reality is very different. Yes some do live under dictators, tyrants, despots and similar, but the reality is we all live in some form of society, and like it or not, it is society that decides the leaders it has.

So I will take your,

I’m not interested to continue a reasoned discourse

As an admission by you as to ulterior motives, and realising you’ve been “unmasked” as a “shill” or similar are now slinking away to your cave under a bridge or similar, in the hope of finding a morw willing goat to be sacrificed.

Don’t be surprised if somebody else asks what the weather is like in that swamp near St Petersburg…

Massimiliano Rossi January 13, 2022 8:44 AM

@Clive Robinson

Sorry but the debate was on technology, not on the reality of life.

If you wanna teach others what is the reality of life, please look elsewhere

I gladly let you with your TRUST in your comforting world of legislation and regulation without the awful risks of brilliant new technologies arising…

Clive Robinson January 13, 2022 9:25 AM

@ Massimiliano Rossi, ALL,

I gladly let you with your TRUST in your comforting world of legislation and regulation without the awful risks of brilliant new technologies arising…

The reality of life is those behind blockchain and similar have made a lot of non technical “promises” about the blockchain technology changing the world, which is very much a societal argument not a technical one.

Well those “promises” have been shown to be false, primarily because those making the arguments did not have a clue about how society and specifically legislation and regulation work. Or for that matter the implications of the way the technology actually works.

Technology is like human beings,

“Not an island sufficient unto it’s self”

Thinking otherwise shows either a very distinctive lack of maturity or some ulterior motive.

I’ll let you decide which is more appropriate.

Winter January 13, 2022 9:38 AM

@Massimiliano Rossi, MaxHype
“Sorry but the debate was on technology, not on the reality of life.”

In addition to Clive, blockchain is a social experiment, that was what Satoshi Nakamoto was writing about, about replacing central banks and fiat money, that is what every blockchain advocate is speaking about. Trust is the ultimate social subject.

And the application of Blockchains in real life is all about the social consequences of blockchain technology.

De technology itself is not revolutionary. The social construction and game-theoretic foundation of “trust-less” consensus is.

If we remove the “reality of life”, what is left are a few age-old algorithms.

Clive Robinson January 13, 2022 10:31 AM

@ MaxHype,

I definitely prefer lack of maturity to narrow thinking, thank you

Actually being aware of more than just the technical context is hardly “narrow thinking” is it?

But what is noticable is that you have provided neither tecunical or social argument, you’ve just waved your arms around and shouted “trust me”…

A failing a lot of people make is to assume that if you can prove a small thing then somehow magically it extends upwards to everything that uses it.

Well it’s not true, you can have foundations of natural rock but if the house you build apon it is made of paper or straw then most know what is going to happen sooner rather than later.

But one thing that did amaze me is an object lesson in cupidity over reason, is the not understanding of a basic technical anti-fraud mechanism.

All crypto-coins are effectively information represebted as numbers.

As I keep pointing out information has no physical component so in our physical universe the obky way we can give it form to use is by impressing it on either energy or matter.

The point is that if people truly understood this then they would know that information can be endlessly impressed on energy or matter, or for that matter any other information.

So two people turn up with a piece of paper with a number impressed on it. Which is the original?

Well to stop what is called “Double Spend” various protocols were designed… But two things to note about all of them,

1, None of those in use are actually secure, as they are all based on unprovable assumptions or are known to be insecure.

2, All of them contain a “tracability property” such that an audit trail exists from the issue of the crypto-coin to the holder.

Now ask yourself a sensible question, if you know that crypto-coins contain such an infalibal audit trail why on earth would you use them for illegal activities?

Every transaction is recorded in the block chain for as long as the block chain exists. That means that bo mater how old your crime is, the block-chain will point back to the wallet you used…

Unlike fiat currancy in coins or bank notes that require no audit trail so ephemerality increases with circulation thus time, no such obfuscation occurs with crypto-coins…

Many sensible criminals know this, thus you get to hear about stashes of millions of dollars/Euros or simillar being found wrapped and stacked on pallets in warehouses. Basically waiting to be converted to other forms as part of the obfuscation process that gets called “Money Laundering”.

So crypto-coins are very very bad news for any kind of crime due to those pesky audit trails in the public ledgers designed to stop “double spend”.

So now knowing that crypto-coins can not be safelt used for any crime including monetary ones such as tax evasion, you should start to realise that those “technical proofs” realy have no real value, and anyone who trys to build an argument on them by saying “trust me” is going to deservably get a hard time by tgose wgo have a little more worldly experience in both the technical and real world social contexts.

MaxHype January 13, 2022 1:07 PM

@Clive Robinson
So now knowing that crypto-coins can not be safelt used for any crime including
monetary ones such as tax evasion, you should start to realise that those
“technical proofs” realy have no real value

So you are saying that you would assign value to cryptos only if it could be effectively used for monetary crimes

Clive Robinson January 13, 2022 3:49 PM

@ MaxHype,

So you are saying that you would assign value to cryptos only if it could be effectively used for monetary crimes

No I’m saying anyone who thought that using a crypto-coin system to hide the proceeds of crime, money launder, tax evade or any other crime was either very stupid or did not understand how crypto-coins work.

Now one reason that they did not understand the risk was Fan buoys, shills and such like making statments that were designed to mislead not just other criminals but others to invest in what is a long con scheme that does significant environmental damage.

But from your logic, when applied to you, I guess that makes you a criminal intent on committing damage that will cause the untimely deaths of potentially millions of people.

- January 13, 2022 9:15 PM

@Moderator: @Winter: @SpaceLifeForm:

The timestamp meta-data on todays comments on this thread suggest that the blog is being probed again by those with similar intent to those in the past.

MaxHype January 14, 2022 6:07 AM

@Clive Robinson

At this point you should have understood that this conversation does not lead us anywhere.

It can only continue as a dorky bidirectional shitposting, so bye bye and best wishes for your work!

P.S. At the end, remember that SN quote is always valid:
“If you don’t believe it or don’t get it, I don’t have the time to try to convince you, sorry.”

RazorSign June 6, 2024 1:03 AM

AI Driven Contract Corporate Legal Operations Platform for Smarter Contracts, Streamlined Legal Operations, and Effortless Compliance.

With definitive solution for legal teams seeking to overcome the challenges of contracting, legal operations and compliance – without any compromise. In the age of Artificial Intelligence, RazorSign utilizes the long-lost and ancient art of using common sense to deliver solutions that matter.

- June 6, 2024 6:47 AM

@ Moderator,

The three above from

1, RazorSign, June 6, 2024 1:03 AM
2, Chaitanya, June 6, 2024 1:10 AM
3, Liyakat, June 6, 2024 1:16 AM

Are all related unsolicited advertising.

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