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DocuWorld Partner Conference – Save the date!

In just over two months, DocuWare will be inviting its sales Partners from Europe, the Middle East, Africa and the Asia-Pacific region to the DocuWorld Partner Conference 2021 (EMEA / APAC). As was the case last year, this annual flagship event for all DocuWare Partners will take place virtually, from April 20-23, 2021. Last year, over 1,450 participants from approximately 45 countries took advantage of the extensive training and education offerings. This included both Partners and numerous user companies.

In addition to keynotes from DocuWare’s management team on corporate strategy and the latest on document management and workflow automation in the Cloud, other DocuWare experts will be teaching hands-on ways that DocuWare solutions can be used even more effectively in everyone’s daily work. They will present the current DocuWare portfolio to participants, as well as enhancements made to the latest DocuWare version 7.4. Other focal points include innovations in the areas of sales and marketing.

Participants benefit from the wealth of experience of DocuWare pros. In an easy-to-digest, practical, detailed and success-oriented format, numerous training sessions provide them with the knowledge they need to effectively sell DocuWare. The recertification process also gives DocuWare customers and prospects the assurance that they will receive the absolute best support when purchasing as well as using the digitization solutions.

DocuWorld Partner Conference 2020: Registration is open nowMore Information about the DocuWorld Partner Conference 2021, such as schedule and content, has already been published on the event‘s websites (EMEA / APAC). Registration will also open soon.


The company’s last in-person event took place on Mallorca in April 2019:

Photos, statements, and videos from DocuWorld Europe 2019
Impressions DocuWorld Europe 2019

We are looking forward to seeing our Partners in person again in 2022!

