Capturing customer attention with video

Customers today have a lot of choices and are exposed to over 5,000 brand and advertising impressions a day. With reduced attention spans and the…

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December 5, 20194 minute read

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Customers today have a lot of choices and are exposed to over 5,000 brand and advertising impressions a day. With reduced attention spans and the increasing complexity of paths to purchase, few messages today actually resonate with customers, making it difficult for brands to differentiate themselves.

Consumers now spend over 3 hours per day on their phones and now expect engagement in many different forms; from using a mobilized coupon through mobile wallet, to viewing flight status through a push notification, consumers crave relevant, personalized experiences from the brands they love in the moment they need it. Further, the adoption of e-commerce is increasing the relevancy of personalization in the overall customer experience. Finally, the booming digital adoption is affecting the way brands interact with their customers: no longer having a face-to-face relationship with customers can affect the duration and quality of their interactions with their customers.

Faced with these challenges, personalized messages are becoming increasingly important for capturing customer attention, driving engagement and ultimately generating repeat purchases.

Interactive and personalized video

Every day, more than 500 million hours of video are watched on YouTube. Clearly, there is a market for video content — but how can marketers use interactive and personalized videos to reach the modern consumer? Personalized video allows marketers to zero in on the needs of customers and, as part of an overall communication strategy, creates better informed and more engaged customers. These videos can reflect unique information about a user or simplify complex information, can be enhanced with additional marketing messages and can offer a choice of products and services based on data analytics. Through personalized video, marketers have an opportunity to deliver master personalization ahead of the competition and be the first to reach customers in a more meaningful way.

Personalized video is a quick win to set your message apart and improve open, click-through and conversion rates. Companies that are among the first to offer it will have a competitive advantage.

The advantage of personalized video

Personalized videos drive astonishing results when combined with traditional marketing techniques. Personalized video can be used at each stage of the customer journey:

  • Attract: Using dynamic video content allows you to target new arrivals to your website with video that demonstrates the value of your services.
  • Acquire: Once they enter the pipeline, the personalized video will show them the specific products or services that can solve their issues.
  • Development: You can focus on the products & services that will develop the customer relationship based on the historical interaction with each specific customer
  • Retention: As you gain more knowledge about the customer, you can share information that will lead them to new services based on the logical next steps in their customer journey
  • Loyalty: Personalization will nurture loyalty as they see how well you understand their needs.

Companies that have adopted interactive personalized video into email marketing campaigns, have experienced the following benefits:

  • 280% greater returns, get four times the open rate, eight times the click through rate and 75% less subscribers opting out
  • Customer renewal rates are 12% higher when personalized videos are used, and engagement levels are two times higher.
  • When using interactive personalized videos within a secure web portal, engagement levels are two times higher, and time spent on the page goes up by 62%.

OpenText has integrated interactive personalized video technology into its market-leading OpenText™ Exstream™ Customer Communications Management (CCM) platform to allow marketers to conduct surveys, customer profiling or include call to action within the personalized videos to increase and optimize interaction with their customers. Interactive video analytics and reporting can provide details on click-through rates, video play and video completion rates.

If you’re ready to learn more, please contact us or visit our website.

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