Tell me it ain’t so, Joe!

“EU Presses Tech Firms on Search Results, Fake News,” The Wall Street Journal, April 27, 2018 B5.  The EU looks into how Google and Facebook control what EU residents see, requiring more transparency as to how they filter what we see.

Wonder if the US Congress will follow suit, or develop its own solution.

From a Governance perspective, how can a government control this?  Are Google and Facebook something other than private businesses?  Utilities?  Media?  What rules apply and who makes (and enforces) them?  Maybe you can require all information to be searchable, but then how do you limit and group the number of responses?

From a Compliance perspective, how will Google and Facebook be able to comply with different controls imposed by different governments, some of which don’t have the same press protections as the US has (assuming Google and Facebook are “the press”).  Do we need a squad of fact-checkers?  And who would govern them?  Oops.  There’s a link to Governance.

From an Information perspective, we’re all drowning from the fire hose of information overload.  We want and need filters.  But we need trustworthy and reputable filters, don’t we?  And a space without filters?

Yes, I know.  Question, not answers.

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Filed under Access, Accuracy, Analytics, Compliance (General), Controls, Culture, Data quality, Duty, Governance, Government, Information, Oversight, Policy, Technology, Third parties, Who is in charge?

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