What’s new in OpenText Decisiv

The latest announcement by OpenText of Cloud Editions includes some great updates to OpenText™ Decisiv™. Check out the latest updates below. May 2022: What’s New…

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July 1, 20224 minute read

The latest announcement by OpenText of Cloud Editions includes some great updates to OpenText™ Decisiv™. Check out the latest updates below.

May 2022: What’s New in OpenText Decisiv CE 22.2

Increase user productivity by improving search efficiency with Decisiv 22.2

Personalized dashboards: Flexible dashboards with user context provides quick access to searches and documents and let users act on them easily.

  • Streamline workflow with instant access to recent and saved searches from personalized dashboards
  • Access bookmarks easily and quickly
  • Improve search efficiency and user productivity

Search term locator: This feature enables users to quickly locate search terms on the document by highlights a key area of a document. This helps users reduce document review time and get to relevant documents faster.

  • Quickly locate the search terms on rendered documents and avoid time-consuming scrolling through large documents
  • Highlights areas of a document where search items are located
  • Reduces document navigation and review time which in turn improves productivity

Other Decisiv CE 22.2 enhancements include:

  • Usability enhancements: Improvised Filters and Bookmarks lets users experience enhanced search journey with more flexible & consistent navigations.
  • SharePoint Web Parts: This lets users have responsive Decisiv User Interface experience on SharePoint for 2013/2016.
  • CDS Web Parts for SharePoint 2019 Classic UI: SharePoint Classic User Interface users can now have Decisiv as their enterprise search solution and take advantage of rich search features to find more relevant information.

November 2021: What’s New in OpenText Decisiv CE 21.4

Integrate Decisiv with OpenText™ Magellan™ Text Mining for enhanced document filtering capabilities

  • Find relevant content faster with AI-assisted Magellan text mining capabilities. 
  • Filter content stored in data lakes to access knowledge with greater precision and efficiency.    
  • Automatically categorize unstructured data and reduce compliance risks. 

Help knowledge workers make more informed decisions using at-a-glance visualizations 

At-a-glance display of product usage and performance metrics empowers knowledge workers to make informed operational, business and product infrastructure decisions. 

Improve secure enterprise access with new SAML Authentication

  • Expand secure enterprise access to federation, identity management and single sign-on (SSO). 
  • Standardize and make system interoperability possible and easy. 
  • Allow users to authenticate once with an organization’s specific identity provider and then access applications without additional authentication. 
  • Streamline the login process with each service provider while providing content security and privacy through identity federation (linking of multiple software application identities) with SAML.  

Other Decisiv CE 21.4 enhancements include:  

  • New dedicated filters in Knowledge Graph, providing new insights 
  • Multi-color term highlighting to quickly identify relevant documents within search results 
  • New Timeline View that quickly filters documents, people and matters based on the dates relevant to them (i.e., When the document was created etc.)  

May 2020: What’s new in OpenText Decisiv Cloud Edition (CE) 20.2

Update 1: Search faster and more efficiently in SharePoint

With the enhancements of Content Delivery over SharePoint (CDS) and Webparts, CE 20.2 streamlines knowledge management (KM) productivity for SharePoint users.  By adding the classic Decisiv UI inside SharePoint, users can search and stay working in their desired environment and eliminate the need to go between application browsers.

Update 2: Collaborate faster with time-saving user enhancements

Decisiv CE 20.2 also introduces enhanced collaboration tools. By bookmarking information already found, saving and sharing complex search setups and setting notifications on saved searches, knowledge workers and their teams can re-execute search tasks and automatically access the most up-to-date information.

November 2019: What’s new in Axcelerate, EnCase eDiscovery, and Decisiv Release 16 EP7

Automation, analytics, and accessibility are the key themes around the EP7 updates for OpenText™ Axcelerate™OpenText™ EnCase™ eDiscovery and OpenText™ Decisiv™. New automation templates reduce the manual effort to create and kick-off projects in EnCase eDiscovery by up to 75%. New machine translation capabilities and language analysis technologies open up innovative analysis avenues in Axcelerate. An updated UI modernizes the enterprise search experience and delivers better information access in Decisiv.

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