It’s like having scientists on speed dial

How do scientists across the globe help countries reduce the toll of weather-related disasters and study climate change? The European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts…

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September 3, 20192 minute read

How do scientists across the globe help countries reduce the toll of weather-related disasters and study climate change?

The European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) uses OpenText™ Content Services solutions to collaborate with hundreds of team members and external contractors.

ECMWF provides up-to-date, verified weather predictions to its 22 Member States, 12 Cooperating States and a broader community for planning coordinated responses that can save lives and infrastructure.

In 2006, ECMWF migrated hundreds of thousands of documents to the OpenText™ Content Suite Platform for easy search and retrieval functionality. More than a decade later, ECMWF continues to rely on Content Suite as its official internal repository.

The complexity is completely hidden. From the user point of view, they [only] have a button to click. That’s the best value: how easy it will make our lives to achieve what we want to achieve.

Mithat Ersoy, senior system analyst, ECMWF

With minimal training, its scientists, analysts and other professionals continue to rely on the repository to process and manage prediction data via established workflows. OpenText™ LiveReports and OpenText™ WebReports drive regulated progression of material transparent to the user.

The weather prediction organization also implemented OpenText™ Enterprise Connect and OpenText™ Extended ECM for Microsoft Office 365 to simplify and extend content creation and management tools for Microsoft users in a single, familiar interface. Users appreciate immediate access to documents via tablets, even when working away from the office.

ECMWF is a valued member of the OpenText Elite™ customer loyalty program and we had the pleasure of interviewing Ersoy for a story. Check it out here.

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