RMS Section Meeting: teasers!

As the Annual SAA virtual meeting and the Records Management Section virtual meeting approaches, we want to bring your attention to the fabulous panel we planned:

The Records Manager in the Library (panelists: Jessika Drmacich, Williams College; Krista Oldham, Clemson University; Eric Stoykovich, Trinity College-Hartford; Greg Wiedeman, University at Albany, SUNY; Elizabeth Carron, Boston College; Hillary Gatlin, Duke University)

In the weeks up until the gathering we will share weekly panel teasers! Our first highlights Elizabeth Carron of Boston College!

Please join us in August!

Tentative title: Records Management for Cultural Heritage Organizations

Cultural heritage organizations like libraries, archives, and museums create, use, manage, and share records every day in the course of daily operations. Records underscore every function within these organizations including acquisitions, building management, conservation, curation, human resources, marketing, and outreach. Records and data related to these functions are important corporate assets. They protect the organization’s legal rights and its ownership of property, ensure compliance with organizational and professional regulations, and provide the means for keeping its constituency informed of its activities, operations, and accomplishments. In this case study, the author explores the university archivist’s role in identifying opportunities for collaboration with academic campus museums; in the identification and management of records with permanent value to the museum and/or archival value; and in policymaking.


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