
“Equifax, FICO Team Up to Sell Consumer Data to Banks,” The Wall Street Journal, March 28, 2019.  The headline says it all.

Who owns data about you, and what can others do with “your” data?  Do we as consumers just accept this?

Is it all information about us, and is it all private?  No.  If you buy a car or a computer or a gallon of gas, the other party knows a lot about that transaction, and apart from our identity, do we really care what they do with the rest of that?  It is when they link that data to us that the situation changes.  But the data would be worth a whole lot less if it weren’t matched to a specific identified individual (i.e., you).

How do and should we, and by that I mean all of us, Govern this?  Maybe the EU had a pretty good idea.

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Filed under Theme One: Information, Theme Two: Governance

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