Too much sharing

I’m a bit of a knowledge management wonk, having been involved in the then-nascent KM movement within the inhouse legal community in the early 2000s.  But there can be too much sharing.

“Sinclair Settles With U.S. on Ad-Sales Data,” The Wall Street Journal, November 8, 2018 B2.  A media group settles lawsuit over alleged sharing of information among television station owners, that may have led to higher advertising rates.

An interesting side note is that this all came to light when Sinclair proposed to buy another company and had to undergo a government investigation.

Are there restrictions on how much information can be shared between and among competitors?  Yes.  They are call “antitrust laws.”  And is there a risk of making a deal that subjects you to government scrutiny?  Yes.  The may discover all manner of minor and major sins.

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Filed under Access, Communications, Compliance, Compliance (General), Controls, Corporation, Discovery, Duty, Governance, Information, Internal controls, Knowledge Management, Oversight

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