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How information management specialists at One Fox slashed time to market for innovative products with OpenText Cloud Platform Services At One Fox, we’ve driven some…

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January 18, 20244 minute read

How information management specialists at One Fox slashed time to market for innovative products with OpenText Cloud Platform Services

At One Fox, we’ve driven some remarkable transformations for our clients. By applying our expertise in business process management, collaboration, and information management (IM), we empower organizations to streamline and automate their workflows—so they can focus on what they do best. 

Since we started out in 1994, we’ve worked with clients across a wide range of sectors, including private companies and government organizations. 

Identifying the opportunity 

In recent years, new regulations have come into force in Europe that mandate government departments to be more transparent and in turn preserve business information in emails, documents, and even social media posts for specific periods of time. This compliance requirement poses a significant challenge for small- and medium-sized public sector organizations, since they typically lack the resources to deploy and manage enterprise-class IM platforms. 

We wanted to move quickly to fill this unmet need in the market. We set out on a mission to provide a solution that combines our automation expertise and public sector knowledge with the benefits of IM solutions from OpenText™, our long-term partner. The aim was to develop an out-of-the-box solution tailored to these unique e-mail, document, social media-retention requirements and make this available to public-sector organizations of all sizes. 

Leveraging cloud services 

To bring a new solution to market quickly, we turned to OpenText™ Cloud Platform Services—a platform that gives us access to proven IM services through secure, scalable APIs. Equipped with ready-to-use cloud services from OpenText, there was no need for our developers to re-invent the wheel. They could speed ahead with the development process faster than ever before. 

Within a matter of months, we’d launched our new solution: One Fox Keep for Intelligent Email Archiving and Social Media Archiving. By combining content storage and records management capabilities from the OpenText Cloud with our home-grown intelligent automation solution, we can help our clients keep key records in accordance with regulatory requirements—solving a crucial pain point. 

Supercharging development processes 

So, just how much did OpenText Cloud Platform Services speed up the launch of these new solutions? If we’d tried to build everything ourselves, it might have taken us over a year to do it. By leveraging the OpenText APIs in our multi-cloud strategy, in combination with the OpenText connectors for Microsoft Power Automate, we brought our solutions to market up to 75% faster! 

Even before we kicked off this project, we knew that OpenText Cloud Platform Services had the potential to accelerate our work dramatically. That’s because shortly after they launched Cloud Platform Services, OpenText invited One Fox to a hackathon to put the new solution through its paces.  

Building minimum-viable products in hours 

At the hackathon, we discovered how fast and easy it is to use OpenText Cloud Platform Services to build new products. In just a few hours, we created a minimal-viable product (MVP) that connects OpenText Cloud Platform (Content Services, Risk Guard) with Microsoft Power Platform and Microsoft 365 (including Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Teams), providing organizations with an intelligent solution to automatically assess, classify and archive e-mails, documents and chats securely in OpenText Core Content. 

It was this MVP that became our first fully-fledged product: One Fox Keep. We’ve since delivered this intelligent automation solution to many clients in the Netherlands and around the world. 

We’ve now been an OpenText partner for over two decades, and from the start they’ve been a key enabler of our business growth journey. Their responsive support services and extensive global presence continue to make OpenText the perfect partner for One Fox and our clients. 

To learn more about how we used OpenText Cloud Platform Services to slash time to market and reach new prospective clients, click here to read our OpenText case study now

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OpenText, The Information Company, enables organizations to gain insight through market-leading information management solutions, powered by OpenText Cloud Editions.

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