Developer solutions are the backbone of EHR applications

HealthTech companies that produce EHR (electronic health records) software for use in hospitals, clinics, and labs, have a moral (and legal) duty to ensure that…

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July 12, 20223 minute read

HealthTech companies that produce EHR (electronic health records) software for use in hospitals, clinics, and labs, have a moral (and legal) duty to ensure that only code and components of the highest caliber are used in their products and solutions. Any technology company that is active in healthcare knows the compliance challenges inherent in the industry. Navigating HIPAA, HITECH, and other PHI-related regulations can be time-consuming, difficult, and costly. It may also require core changes to your physical development processes that you may not be ready to commit to; this is especially true for less mature companies.

Extend third-party, compliant code

Undergoing the maintenance, bug fixing, improvements, documentation, support, and other CapEx investments to build all required features from scratch is not always practical. That’s why when it comes to commoditized functionality—such as content storage, organization, and management—many healthcare developers will start with third-party code produced by organizations that have already gone through the required rigor, extending the application to meet their unique needs.

For example, Cerner’s Millennium solution is an EHR platform that when licensed with their Content360 module, provides healthcare practitioners the ability to enter, retrieve and analyze patient data at the point of care. The process of uploading records from any source (including mobile), extracting relevant data, relaying it downstream, and storing records for compliance purposes is carried out automatically, according to pre-defined business rules. To add this critical content service functionality to Millennium, Cerner developers needed a solution that allowed them to seamlessly integrate and expand on.

Working with OpenText Developer Solutions, the Cerner developers had two major deployment options available:

  1. Solution-based deployment: Allows a company to license OpenText packaged software in whole or part to be integrated into a commercial solution, and these deals are handled through our OEM team.
  2. Platform-based deployment: Allows a company to subscribe to a complete set of Information Management services (including but not limited to content services microservices) and integrate them into a commercial offering.

Develop with the entire information management service spectrum

In addition to Developer Solutions, organizations should enhance their content services to capture, digitize, process, and automate information within your solutions. Developers can readily white-label and embed capabilities at any stage of the information lifecycle directly into your product using any combination of the following eight OpenText service areas:

Additional solutions and capabilities that can enhance an organization's content services, including capture and digitize, store and manage, analyze and report, process and automate, search and discover, manage and secure, view and communicate, protect and secure.
Additional solutions and capabilities that can enhance an organization’s content services.

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