Partner in the news: Freedom of the Press Foundation archives online journalism at risk

February 8th, 2018

By Karl-Rainer Blumenthal

It’s comforting to know that with the help of Freedom of Press and Archive-It, the internet never forgets.

So ends a thorough report by Wired’s Louise Matsakis on the news that the Freedom of the Press Foundation would work with Archive-It to archive the websites of alternative news outlets before new owners can change or remove their contents. Announced on the Freedom of the Press Foundation’s blog by Director of Special Projects Parker Higgins, the effort aims to provide reporters, editors, columnists, and citizens with perpetual access to the original work of press organizations regardless of changes in ownership.

“For journalists,” Daniel Victor reports in The New York Times, “the archives represent a line of defense against what some fear is an increasingly potent weapon.” The threat is anything but abstract; already the new “Threatened Outlets” web archive includes a capture of content now missing from the web.

Journalists took note of the project. For their coverage of this news about the news from more angles, see:

We are excited to have partners like Freedom of the Press Foundation use our services to advance their organizations’ missions and are glad to see a growing public interest in the topic and efforts of those working to ensure web published materials are archived and accessible into the future.