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by Julian Fowler

IRMS 2013 – Brighton – Thanks

Thanks to all those who made IRMS 2013 such a great event, to those who dropped by the stand and everyone who participated in our survey.

June 12, 2013

Thanks to all those who made IRMS 2013 such a great event, to those who dropped by the stand and everyone who participated in our survey.

Reading the survey responses I was really struck by the diversity of retention schedules being managed and the challenge of archival records in operational systems.

  • Clearly there is no one size fits all for keeping records. The range of record retention policies can be very varied according to the record type/retention schedule: 7, 14 & 25+ years to for example 100 years for Child Protection Records.
  • I was also interested to discover that many RMs are keeping archival records in the existing RM/content system and are not handed to a specialist archiving function. For a significant minority this created difficulties for their existing operational systems.

Tessella will be holding a free webinar to discuss digital preservation in local government and the G-Cloud revolution. This could well be worth investing an hour of your time on as it addresses the challenges of keeping access to information for the long term - with the bonus of a low cost entry into a world leading Digital Preservation solution visit to find out more and to register.